The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume IV



pay, rations, clothing &c. will be the same that was allowed dur~ ing the last war in the U. States, and the bounty of land will be 640 acres for each man. You will make monthly reports to the head quarters of the army, and by all means report yourself in person, with your com- mand by the first day of March or earlier if possible, to the com- manding General of the Army. Sam Houston, Comdr. in Chief of the forces of Texas [Endorsed] : Copy of order to Capt. R. B.- Irvine 6th Deer. 1835. 'From the original owned by Mrs. Madge W. Hearne. Robert Bruce Irvine was a citizen of San Augustine in 1835. When the Texas revolution broke out he became a lieutenant in the volunteer army; later the Council appointed him a captain of infantry in the Regular Texas army, and he was later raised to the rank of Assistant Quarter Master General in the summer of 1836. See Austin Pape1·s, III, 231, 243; Gammel, Laws of Texas, 1, 600; William C. Binkley (ed.), Official Co1·- respondence of the Texan. Revoltitio1t, 1895-1896, 541, 839, 857, 895, 903, 1032, 1043; Lamar Papers, I, 576. To BENJAMIN c. WALLACE 1 Head Quarters, San Felipe, 8th Deer. 1835. Army Orders 1st. Lieut B. C. Wallace of the 1st Regt Art. is detailed to perform the duties of Actg Asst Adjutant Genl. to the Comdr in Chief of the Army of Texas Sam Houston Comdr in Chief of the Army 28th January 1836 ceased [Endorsed]: Copy to B. C. Wallace Lieut (detail) 8th Dec 1835. 'The original is in the possession of Mrs. Madge W. Hearne, by whose cour- tesy this copy is made. For mention of Benjamin C. Wallace, see Volume I, 332.

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Head Quarters, Texas, San Felipe, de Austin, 8th Dec. 1835. To Col.A. Huston, Qr. Master Genl of the army Sir You will proceed to New Orleans and elsewhere if necessary and procure if possible Such articles as are enumer- ated in the accompanying list for the Army of Texas. Should

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