The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume IV




With my best wishes for the prosperity of the society and the happiness of its members severally, I am , Sir, your obedient servant, Sam Houston [Rubric] 1 "Houston's Private Executive Record Book," pp. 415-416, courtesy of Mr. Franklin Williams.


Washington, Texas, October 29th, 1843. To the Corresponding Secretary of the Philomathesian Society, &c. My dear' Sir, I have the honor to receive after a long delay, a note from the proper officer of the Philomathesian Society of Wake Forrest College, tendering me in the most flattering terms, the valued distinction and privileges of Honorary membership in that body. I beg you, Sir, in return for this mark of their too partial consideration to offer to the members of the Society my most grateful acknowledgments, and assure them that they have, individually and collectively, my best wishes for their happiness in life and success in all the ennobling pursuits to which they are dedicating so many precious hours. The time will come to each of them when the best interests of society" and country will claim something at their hands. May they never be found wanting! Let them learn early the duties and obligations of an American citizen (and how superlatively glorious is that name!) North Carolina herself does not lack a model for her sons. The memory of Macon,~ the pure, the in- corruptible, will lead them on to the acquisition and practice of every virtue that can adorn the man, the patriot, and the states- man. Upon this continent, too, the fields of literature, science, and the arts are to a great extent unbroken. Their resources are rich and various. Talent and learning may develop them ,vith advantage. They belong to the native genius and enterprise of the American student, whose efforts may they be always rewarded! With pleasure I accept the proposed membership; and on be- coming a Philomathesian, I beg to express the hope, though widely separated, we may all be closely united in the common tnsk of doing, in our own respective spheres, all the good we can towards God, our country and our fellow men.

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