The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume IV




PAGE To J. L. Farquhar, S. R. Roberts, and others, October 27, 1845, regretting that he could not accept an invitation to a public dinner, but con- tinuing his letter to discuss some important public issues_····-·--··- ·- 425 To Anson Jones, President of Texas, October 27, 1845, giving receipt for $75 paid him for hire of his slave, "William".-----··-----····---····--·--· 428 To John Fitzgerald and others, November 5, 1845, regretting that he could not accept an invitation to a public dinner___···-----···--- 429 To James Buchanan, President of the United States, November 19, 1845, recommending the appointment of A. B. Shelby as district judge of the federal court in Texas--···-·------··-··---···--···-···-···········--····-····-·--·-- 430 To A. B. Allen, editor of the A mericcm Auricultiwist, December 1, 1845, thanking him for the gift of a fine Durham bull, and giving a dis- course on the various breeds of cattle in Texas..·-···-·····--···-- ···-········- 430 A speech delivered at the Methodist Church reviewing his services to his country, and refuting various calumnies against his official conduct, :especially that concerning the Mier Expedition, Houston, December 17, 1845 ··--··-·--·-··-·-·-·········-·-···········-····---·······-··-························-·-····- 432 To Hamilton Stuart, December 21, 1845, making full explanation concern- ing his policy 1·elative to the Mier Expedition: subsequent to the capture of the men; his effort through diplomatic agencies to save the lives of the captured men; the misrepresentation of facts con- cerning his policy of sending financial aid; and Thomas J effcrson Green's perfidy ··-··-··--·-····-·- ······---·········----·-········-···········-······-437 To William Larned Marcy, United States Secretary of War, December 23, 1845, soliciting favorable consideration for Torrey & Brothers when changes would be made concerning trading-houses for the Indians after the annexation of Texas to the Union·--········----- 442 To the citizens of Richmond, Texas, December 24, 1845, regretting that he would not be able to accept their invitation to a public dinner to be given in his honor.....·--·········-··-·-- ··--·---·-·····- ·····---····--- 443 To Anthony Butler, December 25, 1845, a very sarcastic letter, enumerat- ing many of Butler's nefarious acts, the notorious wickedness of his character, and defying him to do his worst as Houston did not fear his threats -···········-···-··-·····--···--····--·---··-·--······-···-··-··-···-··-444 To the Acting Commissioner of the General Land Office of Texas, Decem- ber 28, 1845, asking about a possible headright, or a bounty-land certificate, for Peter Harper······.-·············-·············-·····················-·--···-448 JANUARY-DECEMBER, 1846 Lines to a young cousin, some time in 1846-January 1, adopted..-·-·-·--- 449 To W. V. Cobbs, April 8, 1846, a friendly letter to an old acquaintance.... 449 To William G. Webster, April 9, 1846, stating that Texas hnd no motto, but that the state coat-of-arms, or great seal, consisted of a fivi?- pointed star encircled with a wreath of oak and olive branches........-.. 450 To General Leslie Combs, April 11, 1846, concerning the funded debt of Texas -··-·····-·-·-··-···-············-----··-·---·--·-···········-·----450 Speech on the Oregon question in the Senate of the United States, Apdl 15, 1846: maintaining that the President of the United States had .

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