The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume IV



You will find that there will be a flow of Exchequers to Galveston so long as they think you open a field for speculation by giving them nominal value greater than in other parts of the country. I do beseech you to reflect how much depends upon your course touching this subject. I intend not to make any issues, if vossible to avoid it, until our money is at par. I wish you had written more fully about the five hundred dollar tavern bills, &c. Do it yet and soon. It will be private. I will attend to the "appropriation" fortification subject. I wrote long since on that subject, but the letter has not reached. So soon as Dr. Hill comes, or before, I will attend to it in earnest. I intend to set you at it for one, and let the money be issued as it may be needful. Galveston will be entitled to seven thousand dollars of the appropriation. I thank you for your attention to the naval commissioners. Do all that you can and "keep close." Truly thy friend, Sam Houston [Rubric] 1 "Houston's Private Executive Record Book," pp. 329-330, courtesy of Mr. Franklin Williams. For Borden, see Houston to Borden, September 20, 23, 1842, this volume.


vVashington, 3rd March, 1843.

Major A. Brigham, T"reasurer Sir, You will please to pay to order of bearer One Hundred Dollars out of the Contingent fund of 1842, on Deposit, and this will be your voucher for the same. Sam Houston [Rubric] $100 pd. to Genl Houston [Endorsed across the face of the note] : PAID [Endorsed on back] : Genl Houstons order $100 Contg; March 3, 1843 Transferred to Salary Account. 1 0riginal in possession of Mrs. Madge W. Hearne, by whose courtesy this copy has been made.

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