me in the most cordial affection to dear Mrs. C., and to all, sin- cere regards. Thy lasting friend, Sam Houston [Rubric] 1 "Houston's Private Executive Record Book," pp. 209-210, courtesy of Mr. Franklin Williams. For Christy, see Volume I, 342, 387. To GEORGE vv. HocKLEY 1 P'rivate City of Houston, 1st September, 1842. Colonel Hockley, Your resignation was handed to me by Captain Oliver. I regret that you sent it, and would have been glad to have had a personal interview for the reason, that I dis- like to witness any change in old friendships. The course which you have adopted may seem proper to you. It does seem to me as calling for recrimination; a course, which to my perception, would be for the country at this time, somewhat unfortunate. I feel satisfied that I need no further vindication in anything which I have done, than what truth will furnish me. I send by our mutual friend, General Terrell (as only he knows of it from me) your resignation, with the desire that you will, upon review of circumstances, retain it, and continue to discharge the duties of the Department. My· wishes are influenced by the friendly personal feelings which I have so long cherished for you, without the least guile. Should those sentiments not be reciprocated by you to the same extent to which I have borne them, then the course which you have adopted will be the proper one to pursue. Your Friend, Sam Houston [Rubric] "'Houston's Private Executive Record Book," p. 217, courtesy of Mr. Franklin Williams. For George W. Hockley, see Volume I, 331.
City of Houston, Sept 1st, 1842.
Dear General: I have written one to Hockley, but do not know that you saw it. In my opinion it should have been satisfactory, had he placed the same estimate upon my regard, which I have long done upon his friendship. If he has taken his determination to leave the Cabinet, I seri- ously regret it, but my good wishes ,vill nevertheless cling to I received your note.
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