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PAGE To Thomas J. Hardeman, or Edwin Morehouse, February 14, 1844, appointing whichever one could accept, as acting auditor to examine the books and papers of the auditor's office at Austin, for some special information --------------------------------------------·--257 To the Secretary of the Treasury, February 14, 1844, stating that $2,000 would be required for the Indian service in 1844______________________________ 258 To John Torrey, February 15, 1844, informing him that he had instructed Mr. Sloat not to go among the Comanches, since they had a grudge against him ----·-----·------------------·--------------- 258 To James B. Shaw, February 15, 1844, appointing him Secretary of the Treasury during the absence of Dr. J. B. Miller___________________________ 259 To James H. Cocke, February 15, 1844, asking him to raise money neces- sary for the secret embassy he· was sending to the United ,States_______ 259 To James B. Shaw, February 15, 1844, asking him to arrange in the Treasury so as to make $1,000 available for secret service__________________ 260 To an Invitation Committee, February 16, 1844, accepting an invitation to a public dinner ______ _ _____________ 260 To General Andrew Jackson, February 16, 1844, giving his views on an- nexation - - ------------···-----·--·--··- -··-·---·-···-·-·-·- 260 A Proclamation, February 17, 1844, concerning claims against the Texas government ___________ _____ ____ 267 To J, Pinckney Henderson, February 20, 1844, concerning various inter- ests of the government of Texas---,--------···-------------------···---------- 268 To J. Pinckney Henderson, February 21, 1844, giving him full authority to conclude a treaty of annexation on just and reciprocal terms_________ 270 To James B. Shaw, February 22, 1844, giving instruction concerning the raising of the Texas flag over the custom house at Sabine Pass________ 270 A Proclamation, February, 1844, remittirig a bond signed by Alonzo Larkins for the appearance of Mitchell George in district court_________ 272 MARCH, 1844-APRIL, 1844 Houston's Opinion of the Reverend James Hazard Perry, March 1, 1844._ 272 To Benjamin Sloat, March 2, 1844, allowing him to sell ammunition in small quantities to friendly Indians.·------·-····-··--·-·-···-·--·----·---···-- 276 To William Byrne, March 2, 1844, appointin·g him district attorney pro tempore of the second judicial district________________________________ 277 To E. J. Arnold and others, March 8, 1844, accepting an invitation to attend a public dinner and meet the citizens of Montgomery on March 14 instant___________ ____ -----·-------·-·----·----- 277 Proclamation, March 11, 1844, of the forfeiture of the Colorado Mining Company's charter - ------·-------------- ___ 278 To Asa Brigham, Treasurer, March 11, 1844, asking him to pay a printer's account of $20, charging the same to Houston's salary______ 278 To Thomas William Ward, March 14, 1844, relative to land patents and other matters -----·-·---------· ---------·---------······---- 279 To James Reily, March 18, 1844, offering him an appointment as a com- missioner to treat with the Indians at Tahwoccany Creek_______________ 280 To G. W. Terrell, March 18, 1844, concerning matters in general of im- portance to the government_______ ----------·--··------------- 280
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