The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume IV



2The letter from Judge Webb that bears this endorsement is as follows: Senate Chamber, Houston 6th July, 1842. To His Excellency .The President-- Sir, The Select Committee to which has been refer'd "so much of the Message of His Excellency the President, as relates to the removal of the National Archives from the Seat of Government," have been informed unofficially, that your Excellency stated, upon receiving a Reso- lution of the Senate requesting certain copies of documents in reference to that subject, that it would be necessary to furnish you with additional Clerks, to enable you to have the copieF prepared within any 1·easonable time- They have therefore directed me to my to your Excellency, that inasmuch as the Engrossing & Enrolling Clerks of the Senate have at this time but little employment, those Gentlemen have consented to make the copies required, provided their doing so, would be acceptable, or con- venient to your Excellency. In making this offer, which the Committee do with the consent & approbation of the Senate, they beg leave to state distinctly, that they are influenced only by a wish to relieve your Excellency as far as they can, from duties, which at this particular time, may be onerous in their performance - The copies required, are 1st all orders relative to the removal of the Offices of the President & Heads of Departments, & of the National Archives from the Seat of Government, which have been issued by the Executive since the adjournment of the last Session of Congress, & particularly of the order given to the Hon. George W. Hockley, Secretary of War, and Navy directing the removal of said Archives from said Seat of Gov- ernment by the Town of Caldwell in the County of Milam. 2dly The letter addressed by a Committee appointed by the Citizens of Travis County in public meeting, to the Hon. Secy of War & Navy in reference to the suspension of the execution of said order. 3dly The reply of the Secretary of War and Navy to said letter. 4t.hly The letter addressed by the Citizens of Travis County to your Excellency, (through Messrs. Combs & Watrous) upon the same subject. 5thly The letter from your Excellency to Messrs Combs & Watrous, in answer to the foregoing letter from the Citizens of Travis - & 6thly The response of the Citizens of Travis & Bastrop Counties in public meeting, addressed to your Excellency- The foregoing comprises a list of the documents, copies of which, the Committee and Senate are desirous of obtaining- If however, your Excellency believes there are other documents which should be communicated to the Senate, in reference to this subject, the Committee trusts that you will consider them as being embraced in the Resolution already submitted to your Excellency requesting information. I have the honor to be with great respect Your Obdt. Servt. James Webb, Chairman [of] Select Committee



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