PAGE To William Christy, May 7, 1843, congratulating Christy on his son's success, and concerning his own provocation over the conduct of Edwin W. Moore·--------------------------------------------------------------·------------198 To Robert A. Irion, May 12, 1843, a friendly letter that tells of his inany aggravations ---------------------------------------------------------------------·------- 202 To George W. Hockley, May 13, 1843, concerning the conduct of E. W. Moore, and many other worries_________·---------------·--------------------·--··----- 204 To M. P. Woodhouse, May 14, 1843, mildly rebuking him for not obeying instructions, and ordering him to return to New Orleans to do as he had been instructed________·----·-·--·-----··--·----------·-----------------------'--- 206 To Asa Brigham, Treasurer, May 30, 1843, asking him to pay one A. McGahey $34 and charge to Houston's own private account_____________ 208 JUNE, 1843-DECEMBER, 1843 To James H. Raymond, June 6, 1843, asking him to pay William Boyd $747 out of salary account·-----·----·---------------·-··---------------------------- 209 To James H. Raymond, Acting Treasurer, June 8, 1843, asking him to pay S. L. Johnson $6 in exchequers out of salary deposit_________·--·--··- 209 To James H. Raymond, Acting Treasurer, June 8, 1843, asking him to pay John Tonplar $15 in exchequers to clean public welL.·-··--·---·--·-- 209 To James H. Raymond, Acting Treasurer, June 8, 1843, asking him to pay Fred Niebling $11.60 out of salary deposit_______·-·-·------------·--- 209 Notes for the Secretary of State, June 10, 1843, concerning general con- ditions in the Republic ..........---·-····-··----··-·--·--·------------------·--···------------· 21 O To Charles Elliot, June 15, 1843, thanking him for a letter of congratu- lations upon the birth of his son, Sam, Jr·--------·-------··------·---·---····--- 211 To James H. Raymond, Acting Treasurer, June 19, 1843, instructing him to pay Jacob A1·mstrong $40 out of salary deposit.______________._________ 212" The payment of a note with interest, June 19, 1843·--·-·-···-----·----··--·--- 212 To James H. Raymond, June 19, 1843, instructing him to pay Robertson and Heard $60 out of salary deposit·-·--·-----·--------·--------------------------· 212 To James H. Raymond, June 26, 1843, asking him to pay Henry Mickel- borough $23.33 in exchequers and charge same to salary account._____ 213 To Charles Elliot, June 29, 1843, saying it might be well for Great Britain to appoint a consul at the port of Corpus Christi_____._ ____ 213 To Viscount de Cramayel, July 1, 1843, expressing the hope that better times had come and were still ahead________·--·····-·--·-------·····------·- 214 To James H. Raymond, July 7, 1843, asking for the payment of $100 to be charged to salary accounL-·-·······--····----------- -----------···-·--··-····----· 216 To James H. Raymond, July 13, 1843, directing that William Little be paid $350 in exchequers, out of his salary deposit.------·----·-··-···--··-·-·-··· 216 To George W. Hockley, July 14, 1843, concerning a trip to Mexico as a commissioner to treat for peace·-----------··--------------·----··---·······-----·--·· 216 To Samuel M. Williams, July 14, 1843, concerning a proposed peace treaty , ,vith Mexico -·--- -··-····-·-···-·-----·--···-·-----··-··-····..---· ---······--····· ······-·-···--··-·-··· 217 To Charles Elliot, July 15, 1843, concerning a trip to the Indian confer- ence that was being planned---------·--·--·-··-·-·----·-·---··-·-··-·-·----·---···----·-·- 219 To James H. Raymond, July 24, 1843, directing him to pay Daniel J. Toler $24 in exchequers out of his salary deposit.....·-··-·--·--·-·--·-----------··- 220
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