The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume IV



PAGE To William Christy, May 7, 1843, congratulating Christy on his son's success, and concerning his own provocation over the conduct of Edwin W. Moore·--------------------------------------------------------------·------------198 To Robert A. Irion, May 12, 1843, a friendly letter that tells of his inany aggravations ---------------------------------------------------------------------·------- 202 To George W. Hockley, May 13, 1843, concerning the conduct of E. W. Moore, and many other worries_________·---------------·--------------------·--··----- 204 To M. P. Woodhouse, May 14, 1843, mildly rebuking him for not obeying instructions, and ordering him to return to New Orleans to do as he had been instructed________·----·-·--·-----··--·----------·-----------------------'--- 206 To Asa Brigham, Treasurer, May 30, 1843, asking him to pay one A. McGahey $34 and charge to Houston's own private account_____________ 208 JUNE, 1843-DECEMBER, 1843 To James H. Raymond, June 6, 1843, asking him to pay William Boyd $747 out of salary account·-----·----·---------------·-··---------------------------- 209 To James H. Raymond, Acting Treasurer, June 8, 1843, asking him to pay S. L. Johnson $6 in exchequers out of salary deposit_________·--·--··- 209 To James H. Raymond, Acting Treasurer, June 8, 1843, asking him to pay John Tonplar $15 in exchequers to clean public welL.·-··--·---·--·-- 209 To James H. Raymond, Acting Treasurer, June 8, 1843, asking him to pay Fred Niebling $11.60 out of salary deposit_______·-·-·------------·--- 209 Notes for the Secretary of State, June 10, 1843, concerning general con- ditions in the Republic ..........---·-····-··----··-·--·--·------------------·--···------------· 21 O To Charles Elliot, June 15, 1843, thanking him for a letter of congratu- lations upon the birth of his son, Sam, Jr·--------·-------··------·---·---····--- 211 To James H. Raymond, Acting Treasurer, June 19, 1843, instructing him to pay Jacob A1·mstrong $40 out of salary deposit.______________._________ 212" The payment of a note with interest, June 19, 1843·--·-·-···-----·----··--·--- 212 To James H. Raymond, June 19, 1843, instructing him to pay Robertson and Heard $60 out of salary deposit·-·--·-----·--------·--------------------------· 212 To James H. Raymond, June 26, 1843, asking him to pay Henry Mickel- borough $23.33 in exchequers and charge same to salary account._____ 213 To Charles Elliot, June 29, 1843, saying it might be well for Great Britain to appoint a consul at the port of Corpus Christi_____._ ____ 213 To Viscount de Cramayel, July 1, 1843, expressing the hope that better times had come and were still ahead________·--·····-·--·-------·····------·- 214 To James H. Raymond, July 7, 1843, asking for the payment of $100 to be charged to salary accounL-·-·······--····----------- -----------···-·--··-····----· 216 To James H. Raymond, July 13, 1843, directing that William Little be paid $350 in exchequers, out of his salary deposit.------·----·-··-···--··-·-·-··· 216 To George W. Hockley, July 14, 1843, concerning a trip to Mexico as a commissioner to treat for peace·-----------··--------------·----··---·······-----·--·· 216 To Samuel M. Williams, July 14, 1843, concerning a proposed peace treaty , ,vith Mexico -·--- -··-····-·-···-·-----·--···-·-----··-··-····..---· ---······--····· ······-·-···--··-·-··· 217 To Charles Elliot, July 15, 1843, concerning a trip to the Indian confer- ence that was being planned---------·--·--·-··-·-·----·-·---··-·-··-·-·----·---···----·-·- 219 To James H. Raymond, July 24, 1843, directing him to pay Daniel J. Toler $24 in exchequers out of his salary deposit.....·-··-·--·--·-·--·-----------··- 220

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