PAGE A resolution in the U.S. Senate, February 2, 1868, relative to pay for officers of the Texas navy___··---·-· -------········--······-·-- A resolution in the U. S. Senate, February 16, 1868, proposing a protec- torate over Mexico_____ -··---·-··-·-··---···-·············· Remarks in the U.S. Senate, March 11, 1868, concerning the printing of Patent Office reports_____________ Remarks in the U.S. Senate, March 16, 1868, concerning week-end ad- journments of the Senate.__________ 33 33 34
Remarks in the U.S. Senate, March 18, 1868, concerning the massacre of immigrants to California ----------·--······---·············· Remarks in the U.S. Senate, March 19, 1858, on the admission of Kansas as a state___________ ··---·--··-----······ To James Morgan, March 20, 1858, concerning a book ___·····-··--··········- Remarks in the U.S. Senate, March 23, 1858, on the Lecornption constitu- tion -------·---------·-···--··-··--·--········· Remarks in the U.S. Senate, March 24, 1858, concerning obituary ad- dresses______ ·-------------··---··-········ Remarks in the U.S. Senate, March 28, 1858, concerning the redecoration of the Capitol grounds_____ ·-------·-·- ············ Remarks in the U.S. Senate, March 29, 1858, on the admission of Minne- sota as a state_____ ----·····--··-·--·-·----·- ················ Remarks in the U.S. Senate, March 31, 1868, on the admission of Minne- sota as a state_______ _______ ···-·-- ····- ····- Remarks in the U.S. Senate, April 1, 1858, on the new regiments bill ........ Remarks in the U.S. Senate, April 5, 1858, on the Washington City police bill ----------------- - - ------········ Remarks in the U.S. Senate, April 7, 1858, on the printing of obituary ad-
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dresses -- - ·-----··- --·--···-· ___ ····-···--·--···- 67 Remarks in the U.S. Senate, April 7, 1858, concerning the admission of Minnesota as a state___ ·- --·--··-·-·-······--·····-··-······-···· 70 Remarks in the U.S. Senate, April 16, 17, 1858, on a bill for the relief of Thomas J. Page_ ____·--··-··--··----·---·---·····-·····- 76 Remarks, April 17, 1858, on the Pacific Railroad Bill__·---·-·---··-···· 79 Remarks, April 20, 1858, favoring a protectorate over Mexico....- --·--······- 84 Remarks, April 22, 1858, concerning disorder in the U.S. Senate··---·--···- 99 To Mrs. Houston, April 22, 1858, a family letter ----····---··-·- 99 Remarks, April 24, 1858, on the deficiency bi!J.._.____..__··-··-·····-····· 100 Remarks, April 26, 1858, concerning the inexpediency of night sessions of the Senate ······-··-···---·----···-···----··---········-·----·-····-·-- 102 Remarks, April 28, 1858, presenting Sarah Brashear's petition for relieL 103 Remarks, April 30, 1858, on the desirability of a Mexican protectorate.-- 104 MAY-JUNE, 1858 Remarks, May 14, 1858, on the bill for the relief of De Visser and Villa- rubia -··········-··--·--·-····-···-··-----···-·····--····--····--·--·-····-104 To Mrs. Houston, May 17, 1858.·-····-·-·--- ___ ····-······-···· 108 Remarks, May 18, 1858, on the Texas Boundary bilL---·----····-····· 110 To Mrs. Houston, May 19, 1858___····-----·-------------- ·····- 112
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