The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume VII



scout dismiss them. Great care is to be taken that the settle- ments shall not be left exposed, while on scouts, without due notice to the citizens. The Lieutenant will maintain discipline among the men. He will establish a camp at some central point in the county, and not nearer than five miles of any town, and will not permit more than two men to be absent at any time except on a scout or detailed duty. His supplies will be kept stored at the coun- try site, in the care of the Chief Justice, and not more than two weeks supply for the men taken to camp at any one time. Immediately upon taking the field, the Lieutenant will notify the Executive of the same, stating the names of the officers of the detachment, and his post office. He will make monthly re- turns to the Executive, and in the same will be particularly care- ful to furnish correct information as to the operations of the detachment. Horses and other property taken from the Indians are to be returned to their owners without charge. Any member of a detachment charging, or receiving anything in lieu of property so returned, will be dismissed from service without honorable discharge. The Lieutenant will be well satisfied that the person claiming the horses is the real owner; and if not, may require testimony. He will report the disposition made of them in his return. The Lieutenant will charge upon his first monthly return, to the men receiving the same, the arms delivered; and the same must be accounted for at the close of the service, or they will be deducted from the pay when appropriation is made. The following General Orders have been issued. Particular attention is called to them. The spirit of them is to be carried out by all rangers in the field. Sam Houston, Commlinder-in-Chief. The enclosed general orders were as follows : General Orders to all Texians Commanding in the Military Service Executive Department, Austin, February 18, 1860. Commanding officers of all T'exians in the military service will see that daily patrols pass and repass from post to post when any command is divided into detachments, and stationed at different points along the line of operations. Horses lost, unless

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