The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume VII



of Texas have not been recognized by the military authorities of Santa Fe. · 1 Journal of the Senate of the United States of America, 1st Sess., 31st Cong., Ser. No. 548, p. 35, December 27, 1849. On January 7, 1850, the Senate considered this resolution and agreed to it. See Ibid., p. 61. A RESOLUTION RELATIVE TO SLAVERY IN THE TERRITORIES, J ANDARY 14, 1850 1 Whereas the Congress of the United States, possessing only a delegated authority, have no right over the subject of negro slavery within the limits of the United States; either to prohibit or to interfere with it in the States, Territories, or a District where, by municipal law, it now exists, or to establish it in any state or territory where it does not exist, but as an assurance and guaranty to promote harmony, quiet apprehension, and remove sectional prejudice, which, by possibility might impair or weaken love and devotion to the Union in any part of the country it is hereby Resolved, That as the people of the Territories have the same inherent right of self-government as the people of the States, that if, in the·exercise of such inherent right, the people in the newly acquired territories, by the annexation of Texas and the acquisi- tion of California and New Mexico, south of the parallel of thirty- six degrees and thirty mim.1tes of north latitude, extending to the Pacific ocean, shall establish negro slavery, in the formation of their state governments, [such action] shall be deemed no ob- jection to their admission as state or states, into the Union, in accordance with the Constitution of the United States. 1 Journal of the Senate of the United States of Amedca, 2d Sess., 31st Cong., Ser. No. 548, p. 74, January 14, 1850. This resolution was brought up several times during the year, for consideration, but was postponed each time, until on December 12, 1850, it was ordered laid on the table. See Ibid., p. 122, and Senate Journal, 2d Sess., 31st Cong., Ser. No. 586, p. 35, Decem- ber 12, 1850. . PROPOSING THE GRANTING OF PUBLIC LAND, JANUARY 30, 1850 1 Resolved, That the Committee on Public Lands be instructed to inquire into the expediency of granting to each family (not already landholders, or the owners of property worth the sum of $1,500), citizens of the United States, or emigrants who are now here, or may arrive previous to the 4th of March next, one

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