The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume VII

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From this place to Nashville is 200 miles-on today I will be off for home to see how the land lies! On my way home I will pass by the Old Chiefs-Tell the news and so go on ! You have no idea, my dear fellow, of the ardour of my attach- ment to my dear Cousin, and my little God Daughter. The pretty little cherub has made by her sweetness many impressions, and should I live to see her again I have no doubt but she will find ·it an easy matter to prattle herself, if possible, yet further into my Bachelor affections- Yes, Houston, I am more and more the Bachelor every day of my life ! I will be elected by a large majority, unless some vast accident- and when I am, you shall hear from me! Kiss my dear Cousin for me-give her my love. Kiss Mary, and if you can, 01· dare, kiss the God Mother-I owe her one. Tell her so. Commend me to Mrs. Watsons and her Pleasontons families and all friends. Thine forever S. Houston. Jno. H. Houston. [P. S.] Dear H-, Call on John C. Rives, or Duff Green, and know if my speeches have been sent on to me at Nashville. Write to me at Mount View-Tenn., Davidson County. H. [Addressed]: Mr. John H. Houston, Washington City. [Frank- ing signature in upper right-hand corner] : Frm Sam. Houston [and in upper left-hand corner] : Maryville, Tenn., April, 1827. [Endorsed]: 8th April, 1827. Genl. Sam 1 • Houston, Maryville, Tenn. 1 From a photostat copy in The University of Texas Library, by cour- tesy of Mr. W. A. Philpott, of Dallas, Texas. Mr. Philpott has the original letter.



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Washington City, 10th June, 1832. Dear Noland, I have returned from New York, and design going to Texas in a few days-I write you to ascertain whether or not you have any thought of going to that country. It will be necessary for me to have some person with me, and to be candid, I would prefer you to any other person. I wish a companion of intelligence, of means, and of first rate moral and physical cour- age. In all these attributes, I am satisfied with you.

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