PAGE To E. F. Gray, March 31, 1860, requesting him to examine the railroad construction of the Texas and New Orleans road____________________ _____ 565 A proclamation, Ma1·ch 31, 1860, revoking instructions given by Clement R. Johns concerning land values ___________________________________________ _ _ 565 To John S. 'Bedwell, March 31, 1860, stating that he had no authority to receive a company of volunteers tendered him for frontier service_____ 566 To C. R. Johns, March 31, 1860, stating that rations and ammunition had been sent to Erath and Palo Pinto counties___________________________ 566
F1·om Journal of the Senate of the United States, etc., Resolutions June 11, 1850 (Santa Fe); June 28, 1850 (Fort Polk, in Texas) ; August 6, 1852 (Committee on bribery, abuses, frauds); January 6, 1853 (Revival of committee on bribery, abuses, frauds); January 14, 1853 ( Salary increase at Military Academy) ; March 1, 1853 (Settlement of certain accounts); March 3, 1853 (Continuation of committee on bribery, abuses, frauds); March 30, 31, 1853 (Reports on Mexican boundary surveys);
March 31, 1853 (Employment of Senate messenger); March 31, 1853 (Examination of Patent Office); April 6, 1853 (Senate voting machine); April 8, 1853 (Examination of voting machine);
June 13, 1853 (Adoption of hour for Senate meetings); February 12, 1855 (Establishment of Fort Leavenworth); December 11, 1856 (Suspension of duties on sugar and molasses); January 14, 1857 (Navy desertions); February 7, 1857 (Post road from Red River to Huntsville, Texas); January 4, 1858 (Relief of Michael Kinney); January 4, 1858 (Presentation of resolutions of Texas Legislature); January 13, 1858 (Admission of Kansas as a state); January 13, 1858 (Relief for Samuel Stone and Isaac H. Marks); January 19, 1858 (Thomas J. Rusk's death); Februa1·y 3, 1858 (Pay for services of officers of Texas navy); February 15, 1858 (Conduct of Judge John C. Watrous); February 16, 1858 (Resolutions from Texas Legislature) ; March 1, 1858 (Organization of a regiment of Texas Rangers); March 9, 1858 (Resolutions of Texas Legislature on Kansas); March 12, 1858 (Resolutions, Texas Legislature on Texas debt); March 15, 1858 (Senate's adjournment practice); March 16, 1858 (Recall of the Kansas question); March 18, 1858 (Massacre of emigrants on way to California) ; March 24, 1858 (Printing of obituary addresses);
March 24, 1858 (Claims of James Meyers); April 6, 1858 (Printing of obituary addresses) ; April 15, 1858 (Mexican Protectorate).
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