The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume III



A PROCLAMATION OF A $10,000 APPROPRIATION FOR THE NAVY 1 Executive Department, City of Houston, June 18th, 1842. To All To Whom these presents shall come or may concern- Greeting: Be it known that I, Sam Houston, President of the Republic of Texas, do, and have ordered and directed the Treasury Depart- ment to deposit as collateral security for the payment of the drafts of Commodore E.W. Moore/ commanding the Texas Navy, drawn upon the Treasury of the Republic, to meet the obligations of the said Commodore E. W. Moore, contracted for the use of this government, in New Orleans, so much of the appropriation made by law for the support of the Navy for the current year as may be necessary for the purpose aforesaid, not exceeding ten thousand dollars; to be paid in the new engraved Exchequer bills, as soon as any of the same shall have been issued. And be it also known, that so much as aforesaid of said appro- priation shall be held subject to that purpose alone. Sam Houston.

1 Exec1itive Record Book, No. 40, pp. 99-100, Texas State Library. :?See Houston to Commodore E. W. Moore, March 11, 1842.

To CAPTAIN BENJAMIN McCULLOCH 1 Executive Department, City of Houston, June 18th, 1842. To Captain Benjamin McCulloch: Sir,- You are hereby authorized and appointed to raise and command a company of cavalry, to consist of not less than fifty- six, not more than sixty-six men, who will enter the service for six months and report themselves in readiness for duty without delay. You will take specia.l care that each member of the company is provided with a first rate horse and the arms and equipment requisite and appropriate for the service contemplated. Let the preparation for active and arduous duty be perfect. Every defect may, in the field, be productive of disaster. Do not permit yourself to be diverted from the line of prudence by friendship or personal attachment to any individual ·who may wish to join your corps illy provided. Take care also that you

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