The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume III



PAGE To Ashbel Smith, July 15, 1842, concerning the leave of absence of Alphonse de Saligny....••--·--··-···- ··-···-·······-···-- ···-··-··----- 100 To the House of Representatives, July 15, 1842, transmitting an esti- mate of the cost of equipping four companies of cavalry for six months ---·-····-······---··-·····--·-·---··-·······---- ···-··----··-- · 101 To the Texas Senate, July 15, 1842, transmitting the correspondence con- cerning the removal of the archives from Austin... _ _ _ _ _ 101 To the House of Representatives, July 15, 1842, giving information con- cerning a certain recent loan_··········-··-·-······---·--···-·····-·--·····- 102 To William G. Crump, July 15, 1842, ordering him to prepare newly en- graved exchequer bills to replace the old issue_·······-····-·---- 102 To the House of Representatives, July 16, 1842, giving an estimate of the amount required to support the navy at sea for six months·-·······--·- 102 To the House of Representatives, July 16, 1842, presenting a petition of Alphonse de Saligny as agent for Count de Pontois, for relief for certain losses ····-··-········-···-···--····---····---·-······-·--- ····-··-····--·· 103 An Election Proclamation, July 18, 1842_··-·········-·---- ······-··-··-- 104 To the Texas Senate, July 18, 1842, transmitting information concerning foreign volunteers on the western frontier of Texas···········--··--········ 105 To the Texas Senate, July 18, 1842, concerning frontier defence_·······-·· 105 To the Texas Senate, July 19, 1842, submitting a list of nominations........ 107 To the Texas Senate, July 19, 1842, concerning the collection of revenue in the eastern sections of Texas.........·- ····-- ·-·····-····--·- ················-·- 108 To the House of Representatives, July 19, 1842, concerning the improve• ment and preservation of the currency-----······--·-···········-···-·-- 110 To Anson Jones, July 19, 1842, saying he needs the Secretary of State at the seat of government, and asks Jones to visit him...·- ·······- - ··-··-·· 111 To the Texas Senate, July 20, 1842, submitting the nomination of Isaac Van Zandt as Texas cha1·ge d'affafres to the United States............·-·- 112 George W. Hockley to Gail Borden, Jr., July 20, 1842, with Houston's sanction, directing Borden to assist Lieutenant Brashear, com- mander of the naval station at Galveston·-·-····-·-·········-·············-····- 114 To the House of Representatives, July 22, 1842, vetoing a resolution pro- viding that Augustus Williams be restored to his command.....·- ··-· 114 To the House of Representatives, July 22, 1842, vetoing a bill that authorized offensive war against Mexico.....·- ····-········-·················- ····- 116 Executive approval of a requisition for frontier protection, July 23, 1842.. 125 Executive Approval, July 23, 1842, of the estimate of the cost for inspect- ing and mustering the militia into service -················--·······- ········-- 126 Executive approval, July 23, 1842, of a requisition for special service_. 126 To Colonel Jacob Snively, July 25, 1842, instructing him to issue a gun to Robei·t T. Royston.·-·- ··········--················- ······-··- ··········-··- ·················· 127 To Washington D. Miller, July 25, 1842, appointing him head of the Gen- eral Post Office··- ······-····-·-···-················--············-···········...................... 127 To Colonel [L. M.] Henry Washington, July 26, 1842, assuring him of personal esteen1 ··········-··-·············-·····-······-···-·-·····--- -··--·················· 127 To William G. Crump, July 26, 1842, instructing him to issue $12,000 from the unexpended balance of the naval appropriation.................- ... 128 To Joseph L. Bennett, July 26, 1842, announcing his plans for retalia- tion upon Mexico for the recent invasion and depredations .................... 128

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