PAGE To George W. Adams, April 14, 1842, proposing trading houses for Indians as a measure for frontier protection._____________________ 32 To Captain Ephriam McLain, April 20, 1842, concerning the organiza- tion of two companies for observation of the enemy_____________ 34 A Proclamation from Galveston, April 25, 1842, concerning self- ap~ointed agents ----- ------------------ ---------- 35 To Gail Borden, Jr., April 26, 1842, requiring all public arms to be returned to the government for the use by troops________________________ 36 A Proclamation, April 26, 1842, asking for supplies for troops________ 36 To William Henry Daingerfield, April 27, 1842, confiding his plans for the pending war with Mexico ------------------------ 37 To Judge Abner Smith Lipscomb and others, April 29, 1842, thanking them for the proceedings of a mass meeting at Galveston.________________ 40 To Colonel Barry Gillespie, April 30, 1842, appointing him General Agent for the Texas Government, at New Orleans_ __ ___________ 41 To l\Iajor Nicholas Cruger, April 30, 1842, approving an order__________ 42 To Major N [icholas] Cruger, April 30, 1842, ordering him to South Carolina to raise funds and men for service in Texas___________________ 42 MAY, 1842 To General Albert Sidney Johnston, May 2, 1842, acknowledging an explanation made necessary by the Proclamation of April 25, 1842 . 43 A Proclamation of May 3, 1842, appointing General James Davis Acting Adjutant General of the Army of Texas___ __________________________ 44 To Captain Ephriam McLain, May 5, 1842, ordering him to report to General James Davis, commander of the southwestern frontier.______ 44 To General James Davis, May 5, 1842, concerning his command of troops at Corpus Christi ____ _ ______ __________ 45 To Colonel L. B. Franks, May 9, 1842, giving orders concerning certain property in possession of the Indians_ ___ _________________________ 46 To William Iba, May 10, 1842, rejecting certain propositions____________ 47 To General Leslie Combs, May 11, 1842, enlisting his support for Texas_ 47 To Captain H. W. Allen, :May 12, 1842, commending him and his troops for their spirit of subordination and discipline ___ --------······· 48 To John S. Sydnor, May 13, 1842, ordering him to purchase $250 worth of coffee and sugar for the Texas troops____ _________ 49 To Captain Eli Chandler, May 13, 1842, thanking him for prompt and patriotic service ___ __ ____ __________ 49 To General Alexander Somervell, May 16, 1842, appointing him Col- lector of Customs for the port of Galveston__________________________________ 50 To Edward H. Fuller, May 16, 1842, concerning the death of his brother, Lieutenant Charles Fuller - --·---- _ ______________________ 60 To Colonel Barry Gillespie, May 16, 1842, concerning insubordination and anarchy among a few so-called leaders of T('xas --·--------·-····- 51 To the Honorable George W. Terrell, May 16, 1842, asking him to influence Joseph Durst and Colonel Leonard Wulliams to try to make peace with the Indians__________ ________________ 52 A Receipt for Exchequer bills, May 16, 1842 __ ___ _ 53
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