The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume III



constitution. If referred to the people the Executive confidently believes, if they make any change from the town of Washington, they will select some point of safety where the evidences of their rights will be secure, and where their own convenience and that of the government will be subserved in the transaction of the public business. Sam Houston. 1 "Messages of the Presidents," Congressional Papers, Eighth Congress; also Exec.utive Record Book, No. 40, pp. 303-306, Texas State Library. Journals of the House of Rep1·esentatives of the Republic of Texas, 8th Cong., 1st Sess., 249-253. Telegraph and Texas Register, January 24, 1844. TO THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1 Executive Department, Washington, January 18th, 1844. To the Honorable, the House of Representatives: The Executive deems it his duty to call the attention of your Honorable Body to the accompanying statement from the Depart- ment of War and Marine, in relation to the pi·esent condition of the government artillery on the island of Galveston, and the necessity of making some adequate provision for the repair and equipment of the guns and for the purchase of ammunition. It will be seen that some of the best pieces in the possession of the government at that place have been spiked! This fact needs no comment from the Executive; but enforces the propriety of making necessary provision for guarding and preserving the public property against depredation, injury, and destruction, by the internal as well as the foreign enemy. Where men are to be found in any community so depraved and destitute of patriotism, the proper precautions should be used to thwart their nefarious designs. The penalties of treason certainly attach to the com- mission of such crimes. · Sam Houston. 1 Jom-nals of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Texas, 8th Cong., 1st Sess., p. 263. Execut·ive Record Book, .·,,.ro. 40, p. 306, Texas State Library. Telegravk and Texas Rcgistc1·, January 24, 1844. Tho National Register, November 29, 1845. E. W. Winkler (ed.), Secret Journals of tha Senate, Republic of Texas, 1836-1845, 294-296. Crane, Life and Svlut Lite1·a1·y Remains of Sant Houston, 153-154. C. E. Lester, Authtrn tic Memofrs (1867) 237-239.

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