It is not the peaceful citizens of Mexico upon whom we are to make war. It is to be made upon the self-created authorities of the country-upon those who have usurped the rights of the people and become their oppressors. Oppression has broken down the spirit of the community. Liberty among them is but a name; and the term Republic is used only to sanctify the ends of extortion. Mexicans experience more debasement under their present authorities than they did under the vice-royalty of Spain. Their armies are maintained by exactions. Under the name of volun- teers they are impressed and driven in chains, like cattle to the market, for the purpose of filling the ranks of the army. They are not in a situation to resist these acts of outrage; for they are deprived of the use of private arms. Millions sigh in secret and desire the return of the happiness and protection which they en- joyed anterior to the -revolution of 1812. If they had power, they would fain throw off the yoke which now galls their necks. A people under such circumstances would rejoice at an opportunity to cast aside their manacles and enjoy the privileges of self- government. They would hail the people of Texas as friends to liberty-friends to order-friends to equal rights, and enemies to the tyrants of the Mexican people.- Their dictator proclaims that he will subdue Texas. He cannot do it. He is well aware of this truth; yet he has the power to molest our frontier and depredate upon our border citizens. We can no longer submit to these annoyances. We have the means and we will use them to prevent the evils with which he would visit us. Thus is T'exas compelled to make war; a war not of aggression, but one which the civilized world will justify,-one that is due to ourselves-one to which Mexico has provoked our exertions- one to be conducted upon the most exalted principles-not di- rected against the nationality of Mexico-not opposed to its religion, but a war upon its despots and oppressors.-Our nation will be united in its maintenance. In its prosecution the hus- bandman will not be disturbed in the cultivation of his farm. The resources of Texas will be developing, whilst her arms will be employed in avenging the wrongs which she has sustained. Although our country at this moment suffers from the uni- versal depression in the financial condition of the world; yet Texas possesses boundless wealth. Her hundred and fifty million acres yet vacant and unappropriated, lying in a region the most delightful- blessed by the influences of a genial climate and the
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