Washington, MAY 4, 1843 I hereby certify on honor that the above account is correct and just in every particular.
J. C. Eldredge, Supt. Indian Affairs Sam Houston [Rubric] Executive Department. Washington, May 4, 1843.
To Maj. A. Bingham, Treasurer, Sir: Pay J. C. Eldredge the above amount of One Hundred and One Dollars, out of the funds in your hands to my credit for Indian purposes, and hold this as a voucher for same on settle- ment. Sam Houston [Rubric]
1 Pape1·s on Indian Afjafrs, Texas State Library.
To J osEPH C. ELDREDGE 1 Executive Department, Washington, May 4, 1848.
To Colonel Joseph C. Eldredge, &c. Sir-You will, with as little delay as practicable, proceed to the Comanche nation of Indians. You will have charge of your accom- panying escort. Thomas S. Torrey, Esq., will accompany you as Indian Agent, together with Jim Shaw and John Conner, two Delawares, with such as they may think proper to take with them for the protec- tion and security of their outfit and other goods. Shaw will go direct, so as to approach the Comanches in the most direct manner. You will take with you two prisoners, "William Hockley," and a Comanche girl. Should you meet the Comanches agreeably to appointment which the chief made with Shaw, you will restore the prisoners to him and make him such presents of the goods sent for that purpose as your discretion may imggest. The accompanying talk you will communicate to him through Shaw and Conner, and impress upon his mind that the presents made to him are gifts of friendship but not the offerings of fear. You will also impress him, as far as possible, with the pacific policy which the adminis- tration is now pursuing in relation to the Indians. You will tell
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