The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume III



militia, and they are hereby required to render such aid as may be necessary to enforce order and execute the laws. In testimony whereof, I hereunto set my hand and cause the Great Seal of the Republic to be affixed. Done at Washington, the 27th day of April, 1843, and of the independence of the Republic the eighth year. Sam Houston. 1 Proclamations of the P1·esidents, Rcpubl-ic of Texas; also Documents unde,· the Great Seal, Reco,·cl Book, No. 87, p. 182; and Executive Record Book, No. 1,0, p. 240, Texas State Library. The Red-Lander, May 20, 1843; Tele- graph and Texas Regist.e1·, May 12, 1843; The 1lion1ing Stai·, May 11, 1843. TO THOMAS G .. WATSON, SUPERINTENDENT OF INDIAN AFFAIRS Indian Department to Sam Houston April, 1843, To one fine rifle, a present to Jim Shaw Dr. $50.00 I certify on honor that a Gun of the above description was delivered by me as a present to Jim Shaw, and I believe a Gun of same quality could not be obtained in Texas. Sam Houston Attested: Anson Jones Washington, April 28, 1843

1 Papers on Indian Affairs, Texas State Library.

MAY, 1843

T·o JAMES B. MILLER 1 Executive Department, Washington, May 3rd., 1843.

To Dr. James B. Miller/ Sir- I have the honor to appoint you Secretary of the Treas- ury of the Republic of Texas. Your high character of integrity, moral worth and long attested devotion to the interests and prosperity of our country, in con- nection with your capacity, have furnished me reasons to confide to your care and management the finances of the nation. Although at this time there is little to afford gratification to the patriot, I have confidence that the condition of our country is more favorable than it was at the commencement of the present administration; and I entertain confident hopes, if the present

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