The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume III




Washington, 1843

Republic of Texas D~ To the following supplies furnished the Indians upon their visit to and sojourn at Washington, viz: April 9, To 32 lbs Bacon @ 20c $6.40 " 10, To 56 lbs " @ " :f:Ferror $2 13.20 " " To 10 lbs Coffee @ 40c 4.00 " " To 16 lbs Sugar @ 25c 4.00 " " T'o 1/ 2 bu peas @ $3 bu. 1.50 " " To 21/2 bu. Corn Meal @ $2 bu. 5.00 " 11 To 2 bu Corn Meal @ $2 bu 4.00 " " To 374 lbs Beef @ 6c 22.44 " " To ½ bu Salt @ $2 bu. #error $1 2.00 " " To 14 lbs flour . @ 20c 2.80 " 13 To 1 bu. Corn meal @ $2 bu. 2.00 " 14 To 48 lbs pork @ 6c 8.88 " 14 To 10 lbs Coffee @ 40c 4.00 " " To 16 lbs Sugar @ 25c 4.00 " " To 2 bu Corn meal @ $2 bu. 4.00 " 15 To 228 lbs beef @ 6c 13.68 " " To 2 bu Corn meal @ $2 bu 4.00 " 18, T'o 3 bu Cornmeal @ $2 bu. 6.00 111.90 " " To 50% on $111. 55.95 167.85 Errors as shown 4.50 163.35 " 9 Boarding Sanchez and 2 Indians for 2 days @ $1.00 per day 6.00 $ 169.35 APPROVED: Sam Houston [ Rubric] to E.Du~am

To ASA BRIGHAM, TREASURER Executive Department, Washington, April 25, 1843.

To Maj. A. Brigham, Treasurer, Sir: Pay the within amount of One Hundred and sixty three and 35/100 Dollars to E. Durham out of the funds in your hands

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