The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume III



Amount included in draft in favor of Stroud.___________ 11.50 Amount of cash paid by the Treasurer______________________ 100.00

149.50 165.50

Balance due

$315.00 Washington, April 17, 1843

I certify that the above account is correct as stated

G. W. Terrell

Sam Houston [Rubric] Washington, 18th April 1843.


The Treasurer will please pay the amount of One Hundred and Sixty five Dollars to General G. W. Terrell as Indian Com- missioner out of the fund for "Indian purposes." Sam Houston [Rubric]

1 Papers on Indian Affairs, Texas State Library.

To WILLIAM P. N. MARLIN 1 Executive Department, Washington, April 18th 1843.

To William P. N. Marlin/ Esq. Sir- You are to deliver to Acahquash the two Waco prisoners. They are girls- Nancy and Fanny- and he will take them to their tribe. This is all-important; and if they are averse to going, I wish you to use every inducement to get them to go with him. I wish you to have them well clothed and let them have blankets. The government will pay you for the articles. You may tell them that the chief says they shall come back at the council in four moons, if they wish to do so. By complying with the request contained in this letter you will oblige me very much, and confer an essential favor upon your country. Sam Houston. lPavers on Indian Affairs; also Executive Record Book, No. 40, p. 249, Texas State Library. !!William P. N. Marlin. For an account of the Marlin family see James T. De Shields, Bo1·der Wa1·s of Texas, 276-278.

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