The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume III



to this place; where further and more definite instructions will be furnished you in reference to the objects of your appointment. You will be accompanied to Houston by several of the Indians now here, and you will see them properly provided for with the necessary subsistence which will be paid for by the government when the proper vouchers are presented. If possible to do so, you will secure the services of the Indians in transporting the articles purchased to this place. Otherwise you are authorized to use some other means. The purchases will be made on sixty days' time. Sam Houston. 1 Papers on Indian Affairs; also Exccutit>e Record Book, No. 40, p. 237, Texas State Library. John Henry Brown, Indian T-Vars and Pionee1·s of Texas, 94-100, gives a sketch of Eldredge. To THOMAS s. ToRREY 1 Executive Department, Washington, April 17, 1843. To Thomas S. Torrey, Esq. Sir- You are hereby appointed an agent to accompany Colonel Joseph C. Eldredge and such friendly Indians as may go with him to visit the tribes of wild and hostile Indians on our frontier and arrange the necessary preliminaries for a general treaty of peace with them. Col Eldredge will receive all necessary instructions in rela- tion to his mission. The object of your appointment is, that if he should be prevented by illness or death, after having left the settlements, from performing the duties assigned to him, you will consider yourself invested (and you are hereby invested in that event) with all the powers and you will conform to all the instruc- tions given to him. The compensation allowed you as agent to accompany Col. Eldredge, will be at the rate allowed by law (five hundred dollars per annum from the time of your appointment until your return. Sam Houston. [P. S.] Memo1·andum of Articles required for the Indian com- mission as furnished by Jim Shaw, the Deleware. 2 pr. blankets Red and blue strouding 4 lbs vermilion 2 ps. fancy calico 2 ps. cotton bed ticking

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