Republic of Texas Dr. To services in bringing in Indians to the Council, this amount on account ---------------------------------- ------------~22.50 Sam Houston [Rubric] Approved Executive Department, Washington, Texas, Apr. 15th, 1843. To Major A. Brigham,, Treasurer &c. To Benj. Sloat, Sir- Pay the above amount of twenty two dollars and fifty cents to Jesse Chisholm, Agent for Benj. Sloat, out of the funds in your hands to my credit for frontier protection, and hold this as a voucher for settlement. Sam Houston [Rubric] 1 Financial Papers, 1842-1843, Texas State Library.
To BEDEN STROUD 1 Executive Department, Washington, April 17, 1843.
To Beden Stroud, Esq. Sir- Please let Jose Maria and his men who accompany John Conner homeward through the settlements, have twelve bushels of good seed corn; and upon presentation of the proper account the same will be paid for by the government. Sam Houston [Rubric] 1 Executive Record Book, No. 40, p. 237, Texas State Library. See Hous- ton to Luis Sanchez, July 6, 1842.
TO JOSE~H C. ELDREDGE 1 Executive Department, Washington, April 17, 1843.
To Colonel J. C. Eldredge : 2 Sir- Having been appointed Geneml Superintendent of Indian Affairs on the part of the Government, you will accompany those of the friendly Indians who are now here and about to depart homeward, and through them obtain access to the wild and hostile tribes on our northern and northwestern frontiers. You will first visit Houston and procure the articles embraced in the accompanying list, and return with all convenient dispatch
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