To HORACE BALDWIN 1 Executive Department, City of Houston, September 27, 1842 To Horace Baldwin, Esq. Sir - You are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to act as General Agent for the government of the Republic, at the City of Houston, in all matters and things within which your serv- ices may be required, by order of the Executive or of either of the Departments, and generally in the transaction of the business and preservation of the property of the government at said City of Houston, and due and special report of all your proceedings from time to time make to the proper Department. For your services you will receive the usual commissions. Sam Houston.
1 Executive Record Book, No. 40, p. 149, Texas State Library.
A PROCLAMATION By the President of the Republic of Texas Whereas a vacancy has occurred in the representative branch of Congress ensuing, by the death of Nathaniel H. Watrous, Esq., the member elect from the County of Travis: Therefore, be it known that I, Sam Houston, President of the Republic of Texas, do, hereby, in the name and by the authority of said Republic, order and direct that an election for a repre- sentative to fill said vacancy, be held in the several precincts in the said County of Travis, on the 29th day of October next en- suing. And it is further ordered that the Chief Justice or Asso- ciate Justices of said County give notice of the same, and have said election conducted according to law. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the Republic, at the City of Houston, the 28th day of September, A. D. 1842, and of the Independence of the Republic, the Seventh. By the President : Sam Houston. Joseph Waples, Acting Secretary of State.
1 P1·oclamations of the Presidents, Republic of Tca:as, Texas State Library.
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