them: for I do not think that they will fortify at Bexar. If they do, and will only stay there a short time, I will be satisfied of our true polfoy. Can you devise means to send ammunition? If we cannot they must send for it. Dr. McGhee/ the express, says he knows where there was plenty in Victoria County. I wish to see the express before its departure. Sam Houston. 1 Exec11tive Record Book, No. 40, p. 146, Texas State Library. ~Dr. Joseph J. McGhee (September 6, 1819-January 7, 1866), son of Abraham and Sarah (Morris) McGhee, was born in Williamson County, Tennessee. His grandparents came to America from Scotland prior to the Revolution, and settled in North Carolina, from where the family spread out throughout Tennessee and Kentucky. Joseph J. McGhee received a good academic education at Lexington, Kentucky, and his medical training at the University of Louisville. He moved to Texas in 1842, and in that same year married Elizabeth Templeton. For several years the family lived in Arkansas, but in 1851, returned to Texas to make a permanent home. Descendants of this family are to be found to day scattered throughout the state. See Me11101·ial and Biographical Histo1·y of Navm·ro, He11dc1·son, A 11clcrson, etc., Lewis Publishing Company, 1893, pp. 617-619. I
A PROCLAMATION By the President of the Republic of Texas. Whereas, the office of Senator, of the Senatorial District, com- posed of the counties of Shelby, Sabine and Harrison, is vacant by the resignation of the Hon. James Gaines : 2 Therefore, be it known, that I, Sam Houston, President of the Republic of Texas, do, hereby, in the name and by the authority of said Republic, order and direct, that an election for Senator to fill said vacancy, be held in the said Counties of Shelby, Sabine and Harrison, on the 29th day of October next ensuing; and it is further ordered that the Chief Justices of the aforenamed Coun- ties give notice of said election, and have the same conducted, according to the law regulating elections; and that the Chief Justices of Sabine and Harrison Counties make due returns to the Chief Justice of Shelby County, who will give to the member elect the proper certificates of election.
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