The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume III



PAGE To the House of Representatives, January 4, 1843, transmitting in- formation concerning the removal of the national archives from Austin _____ _ _ ____________ ______ ___ 262 To the House of Representatives, January 4, 1843, a message concern- ing the removal of the archives ________ _____ 262 To the Texas Senate, January 6, 1843, nominating Daniel J. Toler notary public for Washington County _____ _ _______ 268 To John White Bower, January 7, 1843, inviting him to dinner_ __ 268 To William C. Brashear, January 7, 1843, a letter of recommendation and praise ···- - - _________ _______ 269 To the House of Representatives, January 7, 1843, submitting a state- ment of the goods and stores on hand in February, 1842.____ 270 To Washington D. Miller, January 8, 1843, asking for the loan of a fine pair of pistols ____ ________ _______ _____ 273 To George W. Hill, January 8, 1843, on Hill's acceptance of the position of Secretary of War and Marine .. ___________ 273 To Colonel H. N. Potter, January~. 1~43, asking for a book and inviting him to see materials on the Indian subject ---·- - --·-·-···-- - 274 To Major Asa Brigham, Treasurer, January 9, 1843, instructing him to pay $46.40 for frontier protection.........·-----·······-············----··-·--- - - 275 To Colonel John H. Moore, January 10, 1843, commissioning him to col- lect and convey Indians to the Waco village..- - ····- --·-···-····-·-·-- 275 John H. Moore's commission to collect Indian prisoners, January 10, 1843 -··--········-·-- --···---·····--····--···-······--········----···--- 276 To Colonel L. B. Franks, January 10, 1843, instructions to gather all pris- oners in the possession of the Lipans and Tonkeways··--··-·-·-·-- ·- 277 To Asa Brigham, Treasurer, January 10, 1843, orders to pay L.B. Franks $500 ··········-··-··-·······--···· - -····-- ··-···-·····-······-----···- - - 277 John W. Smith's Commission, January 10, to collect Indian prisoners.__ 278 To the Texas Congress, January 10, transmitting information concern- ing the probability of a Mexican invasion of Texas__ _ ___ 280 To the House of Representatives, January 10, 1843, acquitting himself of all censure should the national archives be destroyed.·-----···-- 287 To the Texas Senate, January 11, 1843, nominating Thomas Harvey notary public for Matagorda County_·--·--··--- ___ 288 To the House of Representatives, January 11, 1843, concerning the im- prisonment of Jose Antonio Navarro in Mexico...·- ·······--··-··-- - ····-·· 288 Proclamation, January 12, 1843, recognizing W. W. T. Smith as United States consul at the port of Matagorda ---··- ···----- ----·· 290 To the Texas Senate, January 13, 1843, stating the terms made with \V. Y. McFarland to move the government offices to Washington_ ..... 291 To the Texas Senate, January 13, 1843, submitting the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation between the United States and Texas._ 291 To the House of Representatives, January 14, 1843, vetoing a bill for the protection of the western and southwestern frontiers_····-- ····- 292 To the Texas Senate, January 16, 1843, nominating George \V. Hill Secre- tary of War and Marine----·---------···-·········----····-··-···- 297 To Charles Mason, January 16, 1843, instructing him not to audit the accounts of members of Congress for time they were absent............._ . 298

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