PAGEl To \Villiam Henry Daingerfield, Secretary of the Treasury, December 10, 1842, ordering that James W. Parker be advanced $75 for the redemption of his nephew from the Indians,_________________ 231 To the Texas Senate, December 13, 1842, submitting a list of nomina- tions __ ·---------_______ 231 To the Texas Senate, December 14, 1842, tr!lnsmitting correspondence from the authorities of Yucatan _____________ 232 To the House of Representatives, December 15, 1842, transmitting copies of all official reports and orders concerning the present campaign ___ 234 To William Henry Daingerfield, December 17, 1842, concerning the maintenance of government credit _________________ 235 To Thomas M. Bagby, December 18, 1842, concerning the management of his private property __________________ 236 To the Texas Senate, December 19, 1842, submitting for ratification the Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation between the Republic of Texas and the United Stat~3 of America _______________ 237 Executive requisition, December 20, 1842, for frontier protection _ _____ 238 To Major Asa Brigham, December 20, 1842, relative to a receipt of John C. Chalmers ____ -------·-------238 Proclamation, December 21, 1842, revoking a proclamation of February 11, 1840, that abolished duties on French wines ________ 239 Proclamation, December 21, 1842, concerning free negroes in Texas_______ 240. To the Texas Congress, December 22, 1842, a message concerning the navy ______ _______________________ 241 To the Texas Congress, December 23, 1842, relative to white persons held captive by the Indians _____·____________________249 To the Texas Senate, December 24, 1842, stating that no reference could be made to papers in the General Land Office, the papers being at Austin _____________________ 250 To Thomas M. Bagby, December ~5, 1842, concerning personal affairs __ 251 To the Texas Congress, December 27, 1842, transmitting an estimate of the amount necessary for the maintenance of one company of cavalry on the frontier for one year ____ _ ____ 251 To the Texas Congress, December 28, 1842, concerning claims for the grants of lands made by the Mexican government to British sub- jects during the colonial period . ____________ 253 To the Texas Congress, December 29, 1842, concerning the claims of Waddy Thompson for money advanced to the men of the Santa Fe Expedition --------------------255 To the Texas Senate, December 30, 1842, submitting a list of nomina- tions ______________________ 256 JANUARY, 1843 A requisition, January 2, 1843, on the governors of the various states of the United States for the arrest and delivery of a criminal____ 258 Proclamation, January 4, 1843, of the Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation between The Netherlands and the Republic of Texas_ 259 To the Texas Congress, January 3, 1843, transmitting information concerning the condition of the navy ______ _____ 259
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