The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume III




and if not, please apprise me what I am to expect or calculate upon. Please present me with my compliments to your lady. Sam Houston. [Endorsed] : To come to Houston. I deemed the called session useless and pernicious. The President convened it contrary to my advices and for the purpose of making capital for himself. The result has been, as I expected, a mere quarrel between him and Congress about the seat of Government, and the "war policy," by which the country has been injured and disgraced. As the President "has made his bed, so he must lie." I will have nothing to do with such petty squabbles. A. J. Note.-! started for Houston on the receipt of this letter, but was taken sick at Colonel Austin's on the way. V. Gen. Hous- ton's letter, Aug. 2d, 1842. 1 Anson Jones, Memoranda a.nd Official Con·esporulence, Republic of Texas, 193-194. ~Anson Jones (January 20, 1798-January 9, 1858) was the last Presi- dent of the Texas Republic. For b1·ief biographies see Dic.tiona,·y of Ameri- can Biogmphy, X, 161-162; Anson Jones, Memo,·anda and Official Corre- spondence, Texas Re])ublic, 1-26. J. H. Smith, Annexation of Texas. L. E. Daniell, Personnel of the Texas State Gove,·mnent (1892). Houston Tele- gra])h, January 11, 1858.



Executive Department, City of Houston, July 20, 1842.

'l'o the Honorable, the Senate: I have the honor to submit for the advice and consent of your Honorable Body, the nomination of Isaac Van Zandt,~ as Minister Charge d'Affaires from Texas to the Government of the United States, vice James Reily, 8 whose resignation will take effect from and after the 1st day of August next, or before that period, if his successor can reach Washington City. The Honorable Senate will therefore perceive the importance of early action. The busi- ness of the Legation at this time is of the highest interest to Texas. Sam Houston. 1"Messages of the Presidents," Congressional Papers: also in Exec1itive . Record Book, No. 40, p. 224, Texas State Library. E. W. Winkle1· (ed.), Secret Journals of the Senate, Re1ncblic of Texas, 1896-1845, p. 227.

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