Department in relation to the disposition made of the money received from the government of Yucatan; and also a statement from the same source, in relation to the government vessel which was to have been prepared for sea by private capital and enter- prise. To comply with the resolution asking for all the orders, &c. issued to the militia or volunteers, &c., a transcript of a large portion of the records of the Executive and War Departments would be necessary; to accomplish which would require an amount of labor not to be performed within any reasonable period. In answer to the inquiry in reference to the amount of friendly contributions received, &c., I have to state that no official report or return has, as yet, been made to the government of any con- tribution whatever, 'with the exception, perhaps, of the report of the Collector at Galveston, who acknowledges the receipt of a small supply of provisions and equipments, amounting in value to less than five hundred dollars. I have been informed that a contribution of some eight hundred dollars in money was for- warded to one of our agents in New Orleans, from Georgia; none of which, however, ever came into the hands of the government, or [has] been appropriated by order of the Executive. Sam Houston. 1 Cong1·essiona.l Pa.pe1·s, Sixth Congress; also in Executive Record Book, No. 40, p. 120, T~xas State Library. To THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1 Executive Department, City of Houston, July 16th, 1842. . To the Honorable, the House of Representatives: From the documents presented to me from the French Lega- tion near this government, and herewith laid before your Hon- orable Body, it will be perceived that relief is sought by M. de Saligny as the agent of the Count de Pontois, for certain losses~ sustained by him from the neglect or refusal, as is alleged, of the stock commissioner, to issue to him the certificates of stock to which he was entitled under the law, and which he might at that time have transferred or sold, in accordance with the instructions of his principal, &c.
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