The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume III



in their behalf; nor was any such attempted, from the considera- tion of the great probability of prejudicing instead of promoting the interests and welfare of those most deeply concerned, and of invoking further indignities upon the country. As far, however, as the Executive has felt himself at liberty to interfere in his private capacity, he has promptly and frequently rendered his most earnest efforts to ameliorate the sufferings and secure the liberation of his friends and countrymen who have been and are now in chains. He has not been insensible to their condition, nor regardless of his duty; but has done all in his power, and, he trusts, some little, at least, towards the ameliora- tion of their condition and the fulfilment of his duty as a man and a citizen of Texas. He has met with the truest pleasure and satisfaction, those of the expedition who have returned to their country and their friends; and he has seen with the liveliest pride, that the hard- ships they have endured and the indignities they have suffered, have not conquered that spirit of chivalry and patriotism which has been so signally manifested by all. He has also been happy to learn from various sources that the present treatment and sufferings of our gallant, but unfortunate countrymen, are not so grievous as they have been; but, as yet, he has not been informed of any certain prospect of their immediate liberation. The Honorable House will not expect an exhibition of the Executive on this subject. Sam Houston.

1 "Messages of the Presidents," Cong,·essional Papets; also, Exec-utive Record Book, No. 40, p. 110, Texas State Library.


Executive Department, City of Houston, July 8h., 1842. The President has the honor to present his compliments to the Honorable James Webb, and to say, that the services of the En- rolling and Engrossing Clerks of the Senate will be, with much pleasure, accepted; but , inasmuch as but one can be employed in making copies from the records in the Executive Office, they will be employed in the War Department in such way as to facilitate

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