The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume VIII



To F. w. FAUNTLEROY 1 Executive Department, Austin, May 28, 1860.

Lieutenant F. W. Fauntleroy, Gatesville Sir: Your letter of the 21st, enclosing Captain Hall's order to you, is just to hand. Replying, I would say that my orders have gone forth by Captain Hall, and I see from his order to you that he perfectly understands them. There are no Indians in the County now, and the Executive can see no necessity for keeping men in the field, to still further burthen the State with debt. Therefore he does not feel war- ranted in changing his instructions to Captain Hall. The Execu- tive under Colonel Johnson has given orders to hunt pursue, and destroy the Indians in their villages, consequently, the few re- maining Indians now in the settlements will be off immediately to protect their families. Enclosed you wUI find Captain Hall's note returned. Sam Houston.

1 Executive Records, 1859-1861, p. 165, Texas State Library.

To CLEMENT R. JoHNsl Executive Department, Austin, May 28, 1860.

Hon. Clement R. Johns, Comptroller Sir: The Executive desires to be informed how much money there is on hand in the Treasury, over and above the remaining balance of the University Fund, subject to be drawn for the payment of discharged Rangers, as provided for by Act "making appropriations for the protection of the frontier," without con- flicting with the requirements of the first section of said Act. If there is none, the Executive wishes to know if you intend to issue the script bearing ten per cent interest, according to the form furnished you from this Department. Sam Houston. 1 Executive Records, 1859-1861, p. 167, Texas State Library.

To FRANK G1LDART 1 Executive Department, Austin, May 29, 1860.

To Frank Gildart Sir, Your letter of the 23rd has this moment reached me. R~plying I would say that so far from increasing the detachments,

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