379, 383, 385, 409; 7:413, 467-469, 495; 8:102, 106, 117, 243-247, 260-262 Texas frontier status. See frontier de- fense Texas government, retreat or in 1836, 1 :385; personnel or, 1 :457; inadequate housing, 1 :4 76: first cabinet, 2 :26; government claims, 2:191; corruption in, 3:10, 18, 51, 204, 292, 295; independence or Texas government, 5 :164; self government, 7 :6 Texas Indian relations. See under Attitude townrd and relations with, under caption Houston Texas in the Mexican \Vnr, 5 :93, 169, 170, 172, 173, 177, 182, 190, 191, 199 Texas relation to the Missouri Compromise, 5:102, 282, 313, 491, 494, 508, 512; 6:211, 384 Texas militia. See under Militin or Texas Texas Navy. Sec Navy of Texas Texas population, 2:326; 5:271, 386 Texas rnilroads. See railroads 'l'exas rangers, 2:107, 188, 425; 3:34, 71, 431. 432; 5:170, 189, 341; 6:-167, 522; 7 :55, 163, 180, 359, 381, 423; 8 :14, 32, 62, 112, 205; see also Rangers or Texas Texas secession, elTect or secession propa- ganda on the state, 8 :156: condition of Texas nrter secession, 8 :268; work of the Secession Convention, 8 :272, 280: Hous- ton's rerussl to recognize, 8 :289, 290; Houston's statements concerning the part Texas took in the Conrederacy, 8 :323 Thanksgivin"" Day ror Texns proposed, 2:431; 8:173 Thomas, David, letter to, 1 :299, 404, 406, 410; sketch of, 1 :399 Thomp•on. AJ.,.ernon P.. publisher or Cole- man's pamphlet, Houston Disvlaycd, 2 :262 Thompson, ............, Captain or the schooner Colonel Fannin, letter to, 1 :477, 479 Thompson, Henry H., 2 :309 Thompson, Jacob, letter to, 7:456, 480; 8 :38, 107: sketch o!, 7 :4 82; mentioned, 7:527; 8:23, 133 Thompson, Wadd:v, identification o!, 3 :138, 256; 4:319; 6:82, 94; mentioned, 3:308, 5 :165 Thomson, Burrill J .. Rketch of, 5 :72 Thompson, Nnpoleon B.. 2 :206 Thompson, Richard W,. 6 :164 ThnrRton. Alvernon s;<lney, Jetter to, 2 :71, 285; sketch or, 4 :429; mentioned, 2 :35, 42, 59, 65, 70, 72, 172, 208, 268, 295; 4:27, 28 Timmons. B., letter to, 8 :26; identification of, 8:30 Timmons, Jeremiah, 4:244 Tinsley, James W., sketch o!, 2:78 Tobin, William r. , J,-t.•er to, 7 :499, 523; ~ketch of, 7 :500, 409 Toby, Thomas, letter to, 1 :454, 459, .C61 , 463, 465, 4fl8, 469, 4R4, 486; 2:34, 35, 41, 47, 59, 65, 72, 73; 4 :28; mentioned, 2:295, 296 Tod, John Grant, sketch of, 2:250, 454; mentioned, 4 :268, 269, 364 Tohopekn, battle of, t :4 Toler, Daniel J,, Rketch of, 3 :368 Tom and Esau, Houston's run-away slaves, 6:80, 214, 234 TomnkinR, A. M., t:612 Torrey Brothers, letter to, 3 :405, 4!16, 606: 4:232 ; identification of, 3 :350, 457; ac- count po;,1, a-A~2 4!1!!. A'l4: p6ta;-,n in behalf or, 4 :4 4 2; mentioned: 5 :62, 92, 345 , Torrey, David K., 3 :360, 429, 439 Torrey, John F., letter to, 3 :356, 357 Torrey, Thomas, letter to, 3 :360; identifica- tion of, 3:350, 360, 370, 428 Tower, Isaac S.. 3:149, 151, 162 Townsend, Nathuniel, sketch of, 2 :267, 268, , 4:28
Taylor, Ward, letter to, 8:162 Taylor, William S., letter to, 8 :123; sketch of, 8:123 Taylor, Zachary, letter to, 3:225; 4:152, 357; thanks from Congress, 4 :481, 486; prejudice against Texas and Texans, 5:93, 168, 177, 182, 190, 199; Houston's esti- mate, 5:12, 181, 183; weak political posi- tion, 5 :153 Teal, Henry, 2:43, 99; 4:17 Tazewell, Littleton, sketch oC. 1 :109 Temperance, Sons of, Walker's Division, 5:93; speech to, 5:282 Tennison, William A., 4 :269 Terrible, the, armored schooner or the Texas navy, 1 :499 Terrell, George W.. attorney General of Texas, 2:409, 437; letter to, 3:52, 67, 189, 319, 329, 334, 346; 4:135, 160, 280, 286; sketch or, 2 :366; 3 :52; charge d'affaires to France, 4 :399 Terry, Stephen, 7 :462 Test Oath, prote•t ,..,.qinRt. 8 :278. 288, 290 Teulon, G. K., identification, 3 :532 Texas: Houston's reviews of Texas history in his various speeches, 1 :315; 4 :468, 626; 5:268-271, 272-280, 420; 6:76; 7:5, 474, 475, 479, 483, 502, 612; 8:268; Annexation ,..r ,..~a u ... , 1 e,-Annex11tion of Texas, also, 5:14, 10, 22, 27, 36, 48, 275- 281, 616; 7:12, 205 Texas Almanac, 7 :187, 307, 371 Texas army, see services as commander-in chief under caption Houston Texas boundarv. J:!!~8, 425; 2:63, 84, 88, 141, 213, 214, 235, 237, 240, 279, 291, 299, 466; 3:502; 4:317, 395, 632, 5:29-32, 36, 50, 57, 88, 118, 120, 128. 165, 167- 161, 167, 171, 177, 179, 197, 203. 208, 211; 6:185; 7:13, 22, 82, 84, 110; 8:2 Texas claims against the United States, 4:267, 268; 7:148-164, 305; 8:117 Texas constitution, of the Provisional gov- "rnmP.nt, J :H7, !l4R, llf,0. 434; of the Republic, 1 :438, 439; based on that of the United States, 2:109; 3:24, 46; 5:7, 102; 6:3, 7, 185. 186; authority of Texas usurped by the rederal government, 5 :168, 174, 184, 186 Texas debt, 2:479; 3:470; 4:319, 450; 5:113, 275, 313, 322, 356, 375-388, 404- 410 Texas diplomacy, 2 :82, 88, 152; 3 :135, 158, 179, 210, 214, 237, 239, 269, 291, 299, 322, 376, 378, 385, 407, 409, 439, 444, 453, .C61, 483, 486, 489, 498, 503; 4:182, 197, 203, 211, 215, 219, 224, 226, 233, 238, 241, 242, 243, 249, 253, 264, 268, 286, 289, 298, 320, 338, 346, 351, 367, 371, 374, 393; 5:46; also see Foreign relations under each country. Texas financial affairs, the public domain the basis or the financial system, 2 :83; methods o! using land for currency, (1) scrip, 1 :465, 469, 500; 2 :59, 69, 73, 82, 83, 177; 3:118; 4:27, 28; (2) Joans, appointment of Joan commissioners, 1 :490; 2:79, 91, 422; 3:54, 63, 321; 4:164; (3) nromiRsor" notes. 2·A04; 14) 2:404: sil!n- ing of exchequers, 3:14, 63, 79, 80, 207, 309. 317, 433; exchequers discontinued, 3 :439; statements concerning, 3 :467; 4:167, 168, 191, 195; value of exchequers in 1843, 4:163, 187-189; depreciation of the currency, 2 :177, 222; 3 :14, 20, 53, 56, 79, 109, 120, 128, 133, 149, 207, 236. SOR. 317, 468; wasteful expenditure of funds, 2 :369; various statements on fl nancial conditlonR in Texas, 2 :83, 113, 114, 146, 154, 220-225, 350, 393. 402- 405, 445, 447, 448: 3:10, 20. 22. 27, 56, 66, 79, 80, 108, 110, l 18, 120. 142. 147, 150, 204, 209, 235. 308, 310, 467-470, 532, 536, 637; 4 :164-166, 896, 396; 6 :74,
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