The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume VIII


St. Louis, and the San Jacinto Museum of History. A few collec- tions of letters in private hands proved inaccessible to the editors. Sooner or later most of these will become available, or will suc- cumb to the accidents of time. As the collection stands in these volumes, it is as complete as industrious research by the editors could make it. Houston writings which escaped us will continue to come to light for many years; but it seems safe to prophesy that they will corroborate rather than correct or supplement con- clusions suggested by the material in these volumes, which must be the starting point of all future studies of Houston's career and character. The compilation and publication of The Writings was financed chiefly by the Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences in The University of Texas from funds contributed by the Laura Spellman Rockefeller Foundation and matched by legislative appropriations. Professor W. E. Gettys, the Director of the Bureau, has been most helpful in promoting the completion of the undertaking.


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