Penitentiary adminiatration; 7 :403, 422, {47, ,n. 529; 8:5, 9, 131, 138, 200 Penland, Margaret Wallace, 2 :353 Penland, William, 2 :352 Peons of Mexico, their 1tatu1, 2 :526 Perkins, T. J ., 5 :165 Perry, James Hazard, aketch of, 1 :416; 4 :274; 7 :327, 328, 329, 330, 336; 1tate- menta concerning, 4 :272 Perryman, Levi, letter to, 7 :509; a ketch or, 1 :510 Peterson, C. W., 2 :430 Pettus, William, sketch of, 2:52; mentioned, 2:492; 4:17i Pettyplace, Thomas J ., 3 :492 .•helan, James, author of a Huto"ll of Tcnncucc, 1 :10, 231 Phelps, Dr. Jamee A. E., 1 :424 Phelpa, Orlando, 1 :4 24 Philomathesian Society, Houston an hon- orary member, 4:229 Phillips, M. D., letter to, 8 :364 Philpott, W. A., collection or Houatoniana, 1 :110, 147 ; 2:3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 20, 22, 23, 28, 250; S :2, ,, 6, 6, 317; 6:2, 167 (See Prefaces and footnotes) Pickena, General, of Alabama, letter to, 4 :92 Pierce, Franklin, Houston'• estimate of, 5 :461, 458; letter to, 5:370; friendly ad• vice to, 5 :371; disapproval of the Pierce administration, 6 :199, 205; 7 :188, 350; correspondence with Pierce, 6 :239 Pierce, G. W., letter to, 8:218 Pierpont, William J. D., 4 :410 Pike, Albert, 1 :274 Pike, George H., letter to, 7 :487 Pillans, P. J., Indian ai:ent, 4 :236 Pilsbury, Timothy, sketch of, 3 :59; 4 :503; letter to, 4:110, 503; mentioned, 5:10, 73 Pinteno, Sam M., 8 :310 Pitcher, Nathaniel, sketch of, 1 :260, 264 Plensanta, John, 3 :394 Plummer, Jomes Prntt (Tommy Plummer), 3 :22G; 4 :152, 180 Plummer, Luther T. M., letter to, 4 :180 Poe, George Washinirton, 1 :328, 330; letter to, 2 :60; 4:14; mentioned, 2:210, 296; 4:15 Point Isabel, evacuation of, S :193 Police of Washington City, Hou1ton'1 opinion or, 7 :61- 67 Polk ...--- • Miss, the sister of Jamu K. Polk, 2 :11 Polk, James K .. letter to, 4 :424, 473, 481, 49S, 522, 547; attitude towards the Oregon question, 4 :461 : Houston's SUP• port of his administration, 4:478, 645; tribute to, 4:-167, 473 Polk, Miles R., letter to, 8 :131 Pollitt, George, committee of vi1rllanc., at Nacogdoches. 1 :SOI; letter to, 1 :489, 442, 443; sketch ot, 1 :H2 Pontois, Count de, claims a1rain1t T.,xaa, 3 :103 Pope, John, sketch of, 1 :67 Portor, David Dixon, 1 :106, 109, 323 Porter, D. R.. 3:220 Porter, Robert H., letter to, 3 :493; 4 :245, 246; sketch of, 3 :221; mentioned, 3:220, 360, 416; 4:236 ~,,rter, Yoong J., consul at Bruorla, 2 :29S Portraits of Houston, 5 :92, 94 Post Office Department of Tena, 2 :168; 3:151 Potter. H. N., letter to, 3 :274 Potter, Robert, sketch of, 1 :HI ; 360; t'Sti• mate of, 6 :190; first Secretary of the To:<as nn, 0 )", 7 :330 Powell, Joseph, 1 :405, 406; 2 :77; duth of, 2:200 Poweu, James, letter to, l :326; ,ketch of, 1 :326 Prairie Indians in Texu, 2 :230, 279, 420; 3 :32; 4 :55, 61; 6 :127; charactcrlatica, 6:121. 13:1
Nu Pl Kappn Society, Houston'• member- ahip, 4 :228 Nursery enterprise (early) in Texas, a :79 O'Bannon, John, letter to, 4 :94 Obituary Addresses, 1-louston'a remarks on, 7 :43, 67-70 O'Brien, Owen, letter to, 2 :538; 4 :84 Ochiltree, William B., letter to, 4:342; a ketch or, 4 :343 Ogden, D. C., 3 :174 Ogden, J. W., 2 :430 Oldham, Williamson S., sketch or, 7 :543; letter to, 8:315, 325; mentioned, 7 :20 Opium Wnr in Chino, 6 :24 Oquin, Colonel, Tonkewo chief, friendship for the whites, 3 :188 Oregon Que•tion, Houston's apeech in the United States Senate, 4 :451 ; organization or, 5:54, 58, 102; government of, 5 :133; public lnnds or, s :263-256; menning or the Oregon bill, 5 :311, 323 Orozimbo, 1 :424 O'Sullivnn, John Louis, 6 :207 Overton, John, letter to, 1 :144; sketch of, 1 :145 Owen, Clark L., letter to, 3:146, 162, 332; 4:100, 132, 156, 166; sketch of, 3 :16; Houston's estimnte, 4 :167; mentioned, 3:15, 17, 200 Owen, Griffith, letter to, S :287 Owen, Robert Dale, sketch of, 6 :204 Pace, Robert, 3 :537 Pacific railroad, construction urged, 5:463; a notional necessity, 7 :81, 222; speech on, 7 :10,1, 220, 358. other atatementa on, 7:361, 358, 662 Page, Thomas J ., 7 :76 Pnh-hnh-yu-co, Comanche chief, letter to, 3 :372, 476 Pnlmer (Parmer). Thomas, letter to, 7 :189; sketch of. 7:191. 379 Palmer, William H., 4 :399 Palmerston, Lord, Jetter to, 2 :126 Panegyrics, on Indians, 2 :336; S :337, 443, 519 Pardoning power, Houston aeeks informa- tion concerning, 8 :214 Pardon or a negro slave, 8 :258 Park, ~loses, 3:492 Parker, Cynthia Ann, 1 :303; 8 :141 Parker, Daniel, letter to, 1 :446; 2 :53; sketch of, 1 :446 Porker, General Doniel, letter to, t :8 Porker, Isaac, letter to, 1 :302 ; sketch of, 1 :303 Parker, James W., 3 :226, 231; 4 :32; letter to, 4 :31; conduct relative to Tommy Plummer, 4 :180 Parker, Matthew, l :613 Pnschnl, George W ., letter to, 7 :339; a ketch or, 7 :340 Paso Cnballo, the customs house at, 4 :602 Patillo, George A., letter to, 4 :362; identifi- cation of, 4 :863 Paton, Jnmes, letter to, 2 :32 Patterson, ,vmiom H .. 3 :492 Patton, William H., sketch of, 1 :340; men- tioned, 1 :393, 394, 413, 488, 494: 2:27 Pauls, Katherine Veddera, author of Gann~. 2 :363 Payn, B. Owen, letter to, 4:96, 292; men- tioned, 3 :2 3 2 Pearce, James Alfred, 5 :449; 6 :30 Pearse, Richard, 1 :241, 242, 262; identlficn- tion of, 1 :201, 226 Pease, Elisha M.. 2 :164; sketch of, 5 :299; lotter to, 6 :103 ; opinion or, 6:181 Peck, S. R., t :301 Pedigo, H. C., letter to, 8 :133 Pendergrast, G. J., 6 :241 Pendleton, W. J., 8 :12 Permanent Council (Executive Council), 1 :384
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