Mexican traders in Texas, 3:60, 61, 162 Mexican Protectorate, 4 :74; 5 :36; Houston's argument favoring the protectorate, 7 :33, 84, 104, 127, 130, 184, 226, 360, 384, 476 Mickle, A. H., letter to, 6 :238 Mier expedition, 3 :139, 300, 389, 447; 4:166, 157, 159, 194, 198, 366; 0 5:213, 214; Mier prisoners, 3 :300, 389, 462, 498, 542; 4:167, 193,194,198,348; 6:89, 90, 348, 356, 435, 437; men nil released, 4:393, 435, 437-441; review of the Mier campaign, 6 :77, 82 Milam, Denjnmin, death of, 1 :371; em- presario, 1 :4 81 Milam County, a bill for judicial organiza- tion of vetoed, 2 :427 Militia of Texas, orders to in 1835, 1 :492; organization of, 1 :299, 304, 446; 2 :36, 112, 156, 490, 491. 493, 495; veto of an act for organization, 2:174; order to repel Me.,cican invasion, 2 :490, 491, the militia under the control of Congress, 3 :122; cost of the mustering service, 3 :126: drnlt of the militia required !or an invasion of Mexico, 3 :117: congressional appointment of a mnfor general of militia, 3 :292, 295, 296, 391, •103, 409, 495, 543; drilled for the Somervell campaign, 3 :178; to main- tain pence, 3 :84; 4 :367; review of the militia, showing that Texas never had a legnl militia, 3 :205; 7 :304; 8 :242 l\lillnrd, Hc-nry, mentioned, 1 :417, 418, 419, 480, 495; sketch of, 1 :422; Jetter to, 4:17; judge of Jefferson County, 2:149 Miller, James D .. letter to, 3:367, 482; Secretory of the Treasury, 3:492; 5:366 Miller, Jomes H. C., 1 :386 Miller, Washington D., letter to, 2 :388, 398, 484, 507; 3 :127, 273, 332: 4 :266, 301, 367, 387: 5:9, 447, 460, 465, 466, 458, .f66, 603; 7:8, 373; skc-tch of, 2 :389; postmaster gc-neral, 3 :127; Houeton'a confidence in, 4 :259, 264 Mille, Robert, letter to, 3 :67 : sketch of, :3 :67: mention of, 3 :70, 164 , . Millsaps, lsnnc, family of, 1 :381, 383 M!llsnps, Mary, identification of, 7 :313, 336 Minnesota, Houston's opinion of for state- hood, 7 :46, 62, 70; the constitution of, 7:50 Minute men, for frontier protection, cost of their service, 2 :43; terms of service, 8:116, 238 Misroom, John S.. 6:241 274 Missouri Compromise, H~uston'e opinion of, 5:55, 69, 84, 102, 120, 122, 134, 492,511; !ts relnt\on to Texns. 5:102, 491. 4!l4, 512; !ts relnt1on to the Oregon bill. 5 :511, 513: 1mportnnce to the South, 5:607, 512, 514; 6:383, 385, 389: its repeal. 6:215, 237, 382, 383, 385. 389: Houston's opposition to repeal, 5 :209: repudiated by the North 5 :509; repeal a death blow to the North~ _ern Democratic party. 7 :208; 8 :118 llhtchell, D. F ., letter to 8 ·69 Mobile Grays, J :388 • · lllock, William N., sketch of, 2:434 Moderators nnd Regulators, letter to, 4 :361 : the trouble they cnused 4 :361 362 363 365, 366 ' ' ' ' Money, John H., judge o( Austin County, 2 :203: sketch of, 2:208 Monges, .John A., consul at Matagorda, 2 :290 Monroe, .Jnmee, letter to, 1 :15 Monroe Doctrine, discussion of, 5 :38, 30, 412-428, 511; review of its history, 7:88- 97: effect of the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty on it, 7:129 Monta1:ue, Doniel, 3 :232 Montgomery, Wnightetill A., a sketch of, 8:267; letter to, 8:265 Moody, John W., letter to, 1 :324, 517; 2 :55, 60, 90, 127, 188, J 94, 210, 237, 241, 243, 253: sketch of, 2 :127: praise of, 2 :106
Moore, Alfred, payment for lndlan irood■, 4:383 Moore, Edwin Ward, letter to, 2:491, .f97, 603, 506, 611, 638; ■ketch or, 2 :498: Houston'■ dislike, 3:71, 107, 242, 336, 338, 378, 382, 418, 449, 604: 4 :176, 199, 203, 260, 308; disapproval or the court martial proceedinirs, 4 :4 00; review of Moore's conduct as commander of the Texas rfavy, 5:97-103, 260, 448; proclama- tion against him, 5 :308; Houston'■ reply to Moore's effort to discredit his career in the United States Senate, 6 :29, 30-63, 98: Moore's later efforts to obtain financial remunerntion, 8:51 Moore, Dr. Francis, Jr., editor of the Telegraph and Texas Rcouter, S:108, 109; 7 :364, 368: Houston's dislike, 4 :205: 6 :11; his opposition to Houston, 7 :363- 364, letter to, 8:125; sketch of, 8 :126 Moore, James Ward, identification or, 2 :498, 502 Moore, John H., letter to, 3:173, 276: ■ketch of, 2:426; mention of, 3:174, 276 Moore, L., pa>·ment for Indian goods, 4 :383 Moore, William H., 2 :217; identification o(, 2 :297 Morehouse, Edwin, sketch of, 1 :521; 2:70, 491; Jetter to, 2:491. 497, 503, 506, 611, 638; 4:371, 376, 379 Morel, Bryan M., 6 :446 Moreland, Isaac N., Jetter to, 1 :•162: 2 :373; sketch or, 1 :4 63 Morfit, Henry M.. sketch of, 2 :42 Morgan, Colvin Hamilton, S :449 Morgon, Catherine Dunne, letter to, 2 :45 Morgon, George W., identification or, 2 :46 Morgan, Jomes, letter to, 1 :-127, 428, 453: 2 :195; 3 :336; naval commissioner, 3 :396, 418: 4:175: 7:42; sketch of, 1 :407; PBBI• port of, 1 :477; mention or, 1 :427, 428 Morgan, Thomas Jefferson, identification or, 2:46, 121: Brigadier Inspector of the Te:<as army, 2 :121 Morrill, Amos, 2 :4 72 Morris, Eastin, J :161. 162 Morris, Jomes H., 2:19 Morris, John D., sketch of, 4:90 Morris, Rctson, biographical dntn, 1:441; order for his slaves to be returned to him, J :441 Morris, Robert, letter to, 1 :343; mentioned, 1 :343, 345 Morrow, George W .. letter to, 8 :81 Morrow, Temple H., collection or Hous- toninna, 1 :426, 430: 5:109, 261; 6 :242, 30G. See also Prefaces and footnotes Morse, Mrs. Nathnn. letter to, 6 :1 Murphy, William S.. letter to. 3 :439, HO; 4 :233, 238, 254, 285, 306, 320; sketch of, 4 :233: Houston's confidence in, 3:438, 440; loss or Murphy's position, -4 :285, 296, 299, 304: pledges concerning annexa- tion, 5:17 Muscle Shonle, Houston's statement con- cerning the navigation of, J :116 Musick, Jnmes, 1 :371 Musquiz, Rnm6n, 1 :372 Mussinn, Simon, letter to, 7 :370; sketch of, 7:370 Muata.110, The, h,tter to the c11pt11in, 3 :67 Mutineers on the schooner San A nto11io, names of, 3:157. 191 Myerle, Dnvid, relier or, 7 :154 Myers, Mrs. E. G., owner of the James Ken1p Holland diary, 5:30S Myers, J., letter to. 7 :530 McAnelly, Corneliu•. letter to, 4 :19S l\IcCandlcss, D.. 2 :176 McCauley, Chnrles S., 6:242 McClannhnn, Milton, letter to, 5 :S09: ■ketch of, 5 :809 lllo~ely, Robert. 2 :97 l\lott, Joseph, 1 :514 lllullen, W. I., letter to, 4 :485
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