The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume VIII



March 4, 1861 (Order for elections in Austin County); March 4, 1861 (Remission of fine, Elisha H. Rice);

March 7, 1861 (Order for election of a senator in Third Senatorial District); March 9, 1861 (Pardon, James Burrell); March 9, 1861 (Pardon, Jack Robinson); :M.arch 14, 1861 (Pardon, Henry Weeks); March 15, 1861 (Pardon, Felix Reid) ; March 16, 1861 (Order for election of a senator in the 25th Senatorial District); March 16, 1861 (Remission of judgment, Peter Dychman); From Othe,· Sowrces September 3, 1860 (Tract of Land deeded to A. R. Newton, from Missouri Historical Society, Jefferson Memorial, St. Louis, Missouri.)


City of Houston, 5th Apl. 1842. My dear Friend, When we were together, I was in so much pain that I did not mention to you the most important of all busi- ness-I mean as to [sic] trip to __________________ you understand! Can you soon come up? If not write to me, and let me know when you could be able to go. Doct Jones is now on the Brazos, but whenever it is necessary he will come and attend to the business. I have sent to Austin for the seals, so that if the archives are delayed for a while, I will have the needful for the transaction of business. I don't know your press of duty, and can't advise: but Mr. Stuart Editor wrote to me to have a translation made of my letter to Santa Anna, and my veto, into Castilian-This I can't get done, and I wrote him to see you on the subject. If you cou'd do it I wou'd rather that you shou'd do so, than any one on earth! If it is well done it might be of some use where you are going-as it wou'd present matters in a proper light between Mexico and Texas. Otherwise there n:iight be some prejudice against us. Of these if they are of any weight you can judge very properly. I would dislike to know that there was an incorrect or vulgar translation. I hope when you come to Houston I will have a plan for you. Houston [Rubric]. Col Sam M. Williams, Galveston, Texas. 1 Manusc1-ipt Letters and Documents of Ea.,·ly Tc,xans, 1S21-1S,45, selected and annotated by E. W. Winkler.

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