The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume VIII



time Witness had said Convicts at said Murray's farm, that one of them, to wit, Francis Dubois, or "Frenchy" escaped. This is the only report that I have had of the escape of Convicts. I expressly observed that a full report should be made giving the number of escaped Convicts and the particulars of their escape, and I have only to request that it yet be done, and as early as convenient. Sam Houston.

1 Executive Reco1·ds, 1859-1861, p. 252, Texas State Library.


Executive Department, Austin, Texas, November 20, 1860. To the Citizens of the Texas Frontier: In order that a full statement of the losses of our Frontier Citizens from the Indian depredations may be laid before the present Congress, the Executive has determined to appoint three Commissioners, to proceed to the Frontier Counties and receive the testimony in respect to the same. The Board of Commissioners will meet at each County seat in the presence of the Chief Justice, of which due notice will be given. Citizens who have suffered losses will make a statement of the same under oath, giving the time when the depredation was committed, the kind of property taken, the value of the same, and the facts going to show that the depredations were committed by Indians. Information is also desired as to the names and number of persons killed by Indians in these Coun- ties in the last five years. The Executive would also request all persons having claims for supplies or transportation for the Minute Companies called into the field by virtue of the orders issued March 4th to present the same to the Chief Justice of their County, in duplicate, who after certifying the fact that the articles are charged at a fair marketable valuation and that they were necessary for the sub- sistence of the troops and were received and used by them. Send one copy to the Executive and file another in his office. These accounts will all be filed and presented to the next Legislature for its action. The Executive is also desirous of obtaining them in order to provide the proper data for present- ing to the U.S. Congress the claims of Texas for all expenses incurred to this date for frontier defense.

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