The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume VIII



I regard it as best that they be forwarded at as early a day as practicable in order to secure immediate attention and settle- ment. Sam Houston.

1 Comptrolle1·s' Letters; also Executive Records, 1859-1861, pp. 235-236.

To JOSEPH WALKER 1 Executive Department, Austin, October 12, 1860.

Captain Joseph Walker, Sir: In addition to my orders of today, you will at once take charge of all animals connected with the Boundary Survey Com- mission, and deliver the same to Lieutenant Hammett, taking his receipt for them. All arms and other property you will take charge of and re- port the same to this Department. You will receipt to Captain William H. Russell for all the property you receive from him as Boundary Commissioner. You will receipt as soon as you have executed this order: Sam Houston. 1 Bounda1-y Papers; also Executive Reco1·ds, 1859-1861, p. 237, Texas State Library.

To JOHN H. JOHNSON 1 Executive Department, Austin, October 13, 1860.

Mr. John H. Johnson, Washington, D.C. Dear Sir : Your letter of September 29th has this moment reached me. The letter and the accompanying documents in the case of Catherine Jane Lee cannot be acted upon, as they came to this Department unauthenticated. It is impossible fo_r the Executive to know either the Justices, or the Clerks of the various Counties of other States, their official character should therefore, be certified by the Secretary of State of the United States. I enclose you the papers for proper authentication. When this is done you will return the same, whereupon the Executive will act immediately. Sam Houston.

iExecutive Records, 1859-1861, p. 237, Texas State Library.

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