The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume VIII



integrity, I can assure you that a personal interview will not be unpleasant to me at any time. But as the redemption of these warrants is a matter in which the State is deeply interested, as individuals, I desire a written reply to my letter of inquiries of the 9th. Having no other motive than the general interest of the State, myself, I have no evidence that you do not also have her welfare at heart. But in writing, there will be no ground for misapprehension or mistake on the part of either of us. Sam Houston.

1 Executive Reco,·d.s, 1859-1861, p. 198, Texas State Library.

To FRANKLIN L. DEN1s0N 1 Executive Department, Austin, July 19, 1860.

F. L. Denison, Esq. Dear Sir: Your communication of the 17th with the accom- panying documents were received by this day's mail. ' The application is a novel one, and perhaps the first of the kind ever made upon this department; though I will, neverthe- less, adopt such a course as, I hope, will attain the ends of justice. The Agency north of Red River is established within the Indian Territory, on land leased by the United States from the Choctaw Nation of Indians, and in which, by law of Congress, the United States has exciusive jurisdiction, and no other gov- ernment, either State or Territorial, can exercise any functions there. This will make it imperative upon the Executive to make a requisition upon that Government, to the President, through the Secretary of the Interior, who has control over Indian affairs. The indictment[s] with your letter are now being copied, and will leave here by tomorrow's mail, duly authenticated, with my communication, and the moment that I can get an answer from the Department with authority to reclaim the fugitive, I will transmit it to you subject to your action and direction as a sworn officer of the law. I regret that this matter has been so long delayed, as ere now the fugitive might have been brought to justice and punished. Sam Houston. 1Exec11ti-ue Records, 1859-1861, p. 199, Texas State Library. Franklin L. Denison (April 7, 1831-February 7, 1889) was born in Stormington, Connecticut. When he was two years old his family moved - C ..

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