The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume VIII



Please convey to the members of your society my best wishes for their welfare, and accept the same for yourself from Thine Truly Sam Houston. 1 Governors' Lette1·s; also Executive Records, 1859-1861, Texas State Library.

To CLEMENT R. JoHNs 1 Executive Department, Austin, July 4th, 1860.

Hon. C.R. Johns, Comptroller. Sir: You will furnish this Department, at the very earliest possible moment, with the muster rolls, accounts, vouchers, &c., of the troops called into the service of the State on the Rio Grande, or in lieu of the same, certified copies of them. Also send certified extracts from the pay rolls, showing the names of such officers and men as may not have been paid, and the amount due them. Also send certified copies of such accounts or claims against said officers and men as may have been filed in your office. Sam Houston.

1 E:x:ec1ttive Reco1·ds, 1859-1861, p. 193, Texas State Library.

To CLEMENT R. JoHNs 1 Executive Records, Austin, July 6th, 1860.

Hon. C.R. Johns, Comptroller. Sir, Your letter of the 5th in relation to my appointment of John M. Swisher, Esq., as Pay Master &c. is not before me. So far from the Act of February 13th, 1860, not applying to the appointment of a pay master, it especially recognizes one. The caption of the act reads: "An Act requiring the pay master for the State troops, on the Rio Grande" &c. Does not this recog- nize a pay maste1· for the State troops on the Rio Grande? Section 1st of the act reads: "That the Comptroller of the State be, and he is hereby directed to require of the pay maste1· or other agent appointed to pay the troops of the State &c." Is it not clearly indicated here that there shall be a "pay master or other agent appointed to pay the troops of the State? Who shall appoint that agent? Do you claim the power? Is it one of the high prerogatives of what you style your Department? Every Governor since the creation of the State has appointed pay

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