To CAPTAIN [ANDREW] NEILL 1 [No Date] Probably February or March, 1837
To Captain Neill Commanding at Casey's Ferry
Sir: You are desired to hand over the property which you detained of Fuldon B. Turner and let him pass also with the carbine ( ?) in addition to what he before had. I send two letters to your care which I wish sent on to their address with the greatest expedition and any word that you can send to the people in Bay Prairie to forward Beeves to the army. I wish it done speedily. I will pay them in cows and calves in sixty days! If there can be no other cattle furnished, let the public cattle be sent. General Huston is out hunting his horse, or he would give you this order. The weather is so bad that it has detained us until now. In a few minutes we will set out for camp. No news from camp at this time. Sam Houston. Capt. Neill, Commanding at Casey's Ferry, Texas - by Mr. Turner. [Endorsed] : His Excellency President Sam Houston's Letter & order from Trespalacious Creek. 1 Domestic. Cor1·espondence (1835-1836), Texas State Library.
MARCH, 1837
Columbia, Texas, 1st March 1837. Sir: If Mr. Keller and others will furnish Mr. Robinson with Beeves, you will pay them in cows and calves, at a fair price and take care of all the stores; as scarcity may be anticipated, and every precaution must be used, to keep the army supplied, and sustain our force on the frontier. Sam Houston Sir You will send a copy of this to the army. Cattle unfit for Beef may be used in this purchase. Sam Houston [Addressed]: Captain A. NeaP Cayces Crossing 3 Colorado
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