will admit me, to call to mind the friendly token of your personai regard. Meantime I have the honor to remain respectfully your obedient servant and friend, Sam Houston. 1 The Galveston News, April 21, 1877. :?Edward Hall was a promoter and speculator of New Orleans. On Jan- uary 20, 1836, Austin and Archer wrote Henry Smith that they had ap- pointed William Bryan the General Agent for the Texas government at New Orleans, and Edward Hall purchasing agent. Hall expended a con- siderable amount of money for various supplies, and took land scrip as collateral. By the end of 1837 he was becoming nervous for fear this money might never be repaid. See Lamar Papers (6 vols., passim). By 1841 he had become thoroughly anti-Houston, and wrote that he considered that Houston's election to the Presidency would be a national calamity. See E. C. Barker (ed.), Austin Pa])ers, III, 304. Garrison (ed.), Diplo- 1natic Corres])ondence of the Republic of Texas, I, 58; William C. Binkley, Official Correspondence of the Texan R6volution, 2 vols., passim.
To JOHN H. HousTON 1
Colunbia, Texas, 20th Nov. 1836 Dear Houston, Your last letter reached me but none from my dear Cousin Gertrude have ever met my eye. For all I truly thank you, tho' not received. This letter will reach you by my friends Hockley, Patton & Bee. Hockley will kiss my dear Daughter Mary. Patton was also of my Staff at San Jacinto. Bee is a noble fellow. Treat them all as you would treat me. They can tell you of my vast affection for you, and yours and mine! ! ! These Gentlemen are the escort of General Santa Anna to Wash- ington, to whom you will be presented as my kinsman, and if you can render to him, or them, any marks of civility or kindness you will oblige your friend ! Write to me all news, and as often as you can? Send to Care of Tho. Toby & Bro's, New Orleans. By all means get Texas annexed to the U. States - I wish to 1·etire, and spend the balance of my days in peace, and to review 4-he past, as a Philosopher shou'd do- See all our old friends, and tell them it is my soul's desire.- I never was ambitious, but / ortune has given a semblance to my actions which my soul never desired! My life has been one of agitation, and it is time that I should be calm and meditate upon the future. Oh write to me every day! · Make it your daily business - Yes your task! !
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