counts see The Southwestern Histo1-ical Qum·terly, XXV, pp. 150-173, passim, also, ibid., XXVI, 184-206, passim.
TO WILLIAM HENRY DAINGERFIELD 1 Executive Department, City of Houston, 25th March, 1842. Sir, It being necessary in the present situation of our affairs that Texas should have a duly authorized agent in the United States for the purpose of giving proper direction to such aid as the citizens of that country may be disposed to render in the present struggle with Mexico; You are hereby authorized, and empowered to act as such agent and are appointed a special commissioner of this Government for the purpose above referred to. Orders have been issued to General Alex. Somerville to repel the Mexican forces who are threatening our country with in- vasion, and to make reprisals for the plundering of San Antonio by carrying the war across the Rio Grande into the enemies ter- ritory-nor is it my intention to relax ·in my efforts until due satisfaction is obtained from Mexico for the many iniuries she has inflicted upon our country, and our countrymen, and the recognition of ou1· Independence accorded by that nation.:i Detailed instructions will be furnished you from time to time by the Secretary of War and Navy. In the meantime you will act according to circumstances and as your own discretion and prudence may direct. Sam Houston. [Addressed]: To Hon. W. H. Daingerfield, 3 New Orleans. 1 Missouri Historical Society, Jefferson Memorial, St. Louis, Missouri. :!Evidently this letter from Anson Jones, Secretary of State, Republic of Texas, was sent along in the same packet as Houston's letter. It is included here, because it may throw some light on a controversy that fol- lowed, a few months later, concerning the President's intentions when he sent an army into Mexico. (PRIVATE) Houston, March 26th, 1842. My very dear Sir, We are now in for the whole affair with Mexico, as you will perceive by the documents you will receive with this. The President and the people are unitedly determined to prosecute the war with energy to an issue which we hope will be the final establishment of our national honor and independence, and the liberation of our friends now in Mexico. Let all who wish, join the Standard and promote the cause; be assured
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