upon the merits of the service, I should be satisfied that my claims could not be questioned to the highest allowance. I was surprised to find that only two reports from me had reached the Department, for the reason that I have made no less than three. The one which it seems was not furnished to the Department was sent from this point, to the Commissioner's Court, Fort Gibson/ in the month of February last, when I reached this place on my way to see the Commissioners, and found the waters in the wilderness too high to pass. A copy of that report is in Nacogdoches in Texas where I reside, and from whence I will take leave to transmit a copy so soon as I return and have sufficient leasure and time. That fact with suggestions con- tained in this letter, may give a different aspect to my accounts, but whether it does or not, I must frankly say that the offered compensation does not meet my notions of an even handed jus- tice, and my necessities, however great, shall never induce me to swerve from what I should decline, an acceptance of the amount offered; and in the consciousness of having done my duty rest satisfied.- Business, this winter, I presume, will call me as far North as New York, and as I anticipate no more visits to the United States, I hope to be at Washington where an opportunity will be afforded for explanation if this letter should not be satisfactory to the Department. Sam Houston. Hon John Robb, Secy of War. IFrom the collection of Mr. W. A. Philpott, Jr., Dallas, Texas. 2For explanation of the "Special Agency" mentioned here, see To Henry L. Ellsworth and Others, February 13, 1833; to Andrew Jackson, February 13, 1833; and to Lewis Cass, July 31, 1833.
Washington, 8th March 1834. Dear Sir: I am sick in bed, but as soon as I can travel, I will go to New York. I wish to see you as soon as possible. Tell James H. Morris, and your brother howda ye for me. Sam Houston. [P.S.] My friend and relative, Mr. Wilson, sutler at Ft. Gib- son, will hand you this letter. To Mr. James Prentiss 2
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