The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume II

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1 From a photostatic copy furnished by The Historical Society of Penn- sylvania. :!While this letter bears no date, it was probably written in 1828, for at that time Worth was in command of the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York. See Houston to Major William J. Worth, January 24, 1826.

To JOHN H. HousToN 1

Can't Gibson, 24th June, 1829. My dear Houston, My friend Dr. Baylor will hand you this letter. He is worthy of your friendship; and that is all that I could say of any man. He will Kiss My dear God Daughter, and will tell you all about me. The world may care nothing for me, but I deserve its regard in kindest shape. You and my Dear Cousin Gertrude, you and my Daughter will always love me. Write to me. My letters will reach my wigwam, and they will give me happiness. My love to Cousin, and Kiss my Child. Thy Cousin Sam Houston Mr. John H. Houston [Addressed]: To Mr. John H. Houston Washington City D.C. Dr. Baylor. [Endorsed]: 24th June, 1829 Cantonment Gibson, Arkansas Ter'y. 1 From the collection of Mr. W. A. Philpott, Jr., Dallas, Texas.

To THE EDITORS OF THE Arkansas Advocate 1

Cherokee Nation, Wigwam Neosho, 23rd Dec. 1830. Gentlemen: - Recently a Nashville newspaper, dated 27th Nov. last, fell into my hands, containing a charge against "Major Eaton, Secretciry of War, 'relating to a notice issued from the Devarbnent to receive proposals to a certain day, /01· furnishing 'Indian Rations,' to emigrants on Arkansas! "The charge seems to be su.p7Jorted by a Mr. Prentiss, who alleges that his BID was the lowest but one, made by a 'Sub- Agent' and that Majo1· Eaton refused to accept the lowest bid on the ground that it was 'too low' - but charges, as the true reason of refusal, a wish on the part of Major Eaton, to let me have the contract at a highe1· rate." I should not have noticed this charge, not withstanding my knowledge of its incorrectness and total want of truth, had it been made against the Secretary of War


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