On the fourth of this Month, Our Young midshipman went on board the North Carolina at Norfolk, in good spirits, they expect to sail about the beginning of December. In confidence -- I remain your obliged and Humble Ser Samuel Houston. 1 From a photostatic copy furnished by The Historical Society of Pennsyl- vania. 2 0n the same day Buchanan wrote the following reply: Lancaster, 21st September, 1824. My dear Sir, I have this moment received yours of to day. I consider it a new mark of that friendship & good feeling toward me which have always actuated both yourself & family. I assure you that nothing could have given me more pain than if you had declined being a candidate, after you had been regularly settled. It would have injured yourself & your family in the estimation of your political friends & it would have been a sacrifice which no man in his senses could have expected you to make. It is true I should have been better pleased had the delegates thought proper to settle some other person; because I dislike even the appearance of being a candidate in opposition to you. The deed has been done, & I should be the last man in the world who would advise you to recal[l] it. On the contrary I trust you may, as I am certain you will, make a highly respectable poll. from your sincere friend James Buchanan Samuel Houston Esquire. . From a photostat copy furnished by The Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
W. City 17th Dec. 1824.
Dear Sir, Inclosed is a letter from one of my constituents requesting information touching the enlistment of his half Brother to whom [he] is sole heir. His Brother enlisted in the 39th Regt in 1813. Afterwards reenlisted for 5 years, and died. If you will have the goodness to let me have any-information which you can obtain, you will most essentially oblige, Sir Your friend Sam Houston P. Hagner esq- [Addressed] : P. Hagner esq 2 nd Auditor [First endorse- ment]: Walker, Hugh Capt. Butler's Co 24th Inft. and Capt. Armstead's Co 1st Rifles [Second endorsement] : Hon. Samuel Houston Recd 18th Dec. 1824 Ans 6th Jany 1825 [Third en-
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