The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume II

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tribe of Indians. I know him well, and recommend him as a man of capacity, great industry and so far as I have ever heard or known, of excellent integrity. Others letters will be laid before you in his favor. Sam Houston Secretary of War. 1 From the collection of Mr. W. A. Philpott, Jr., Dallas, Texas.


5th April, 1824. Dear Sir: I have the honor to submit to you the name of Mr. Wm. Lawrence for the app't of Commissioner for laying and marking a road from opposite Memphis in Tennessee to Little Rock in Arkansas. Mr. Lawrence is a man who is in every way capacitated for the situation. He has resided at Memphis since it has been in pos- session of the whites, and I have no doubt from his knowledge of the country, through which the road will pass, with the ad- jacent country, that no man can be appointed with more ad- vantage to the Government than Mr. Lawrence. I have on a former occasion recommended Dr. A. G. Goodlett. This is be- cause he wished the appointment. I now recommend Mr. L. because I do sincerely believe that his appointment will be of public advantage. He does not ask for any recommendation, nor have I heard from him; but if he will accept the situation (of which I have no doubt) I am well assured you will be happy that you have appointed him when his labors are reported to you. Sam Houston Hon. J.C. Calhoun 1 From the collection of Mr. W. A. Philpott, Jr., Dallas, Texas. To J oHN c. CALHOUN 1 House of Representatives, 10th April, 1824 Dear Sir: Enclosed is the letter of my friend, Capt. A. Kingsley of the Army, an honest man. Will you please be kind enough to answer the application for a situation in your Department for employment.

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