The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume II



PAGE To the House of Representatives, January 21, 1842, laying before the House a 1·eport of the Attorney General -----------------·------ 437 To the House of Representatives, January 22, 1842, submitting several resignations ·--------·--····--···-··-····-····-·····-···------- ____ 438 To the Texas Senate, January 22, 1842, presenting a communication from the Department of War and Navy, concerning the condition of the Na VY·-··-···---····-···-···-···-·····-·····-········-----··-········---··- 438 To the House of Representatives, January 22, 1842, presenting the claims of certain persons employed to bring in the Lipan and Tahuacana Indians ---···---------·-··-·-----·····-··-·-········-··-----------··--- 439 To Major George T. Howard, January 24, 1842, asking him to say to the French immigrants at Galveston that the Texas government wished to aid them in every way possible_·----·---- ______ 440 To the Texas Senate, January 25, 1842, submitting information from the War Department relative to expenditures. ------···----- 4.43 To the Texas Congress, January 25, 1842, reporting the resignation of William J. Jones, Judge of the Second District...·--··-·--·---- 444 To the Texas Congress, January 26, 1842, calling attention to the urgent need of clerical assistance in the Executive Department -·-·······•·· - 444 To the House of Representatives, January 26, 1842, vetoing a bill to au- thorize the Commissioner of the Land Office to receive audited drafts of the government in payment of land and dues on patents ____ 445 To E. Lawrence Stickney, Acting Secretary of the Treasury, January 26, 1842, instructing him to prepare for the signatures of the Presi- dent and the Secretary of the Treasury, Exchequer bills to the amount of $80,00Q______ ----···-····--------·-·---- 446 To the House of Representatives, January 27, 1842, transmitting cor- respondence from the Department of State, and of War and Navy, concerning the alleged illegal seizure of the "Little Penn"·····-···-·- 446 To the House of Representatives, January 27, 1842, vetoing a bill for the relief of William Bryan.·--···-··--······-···----- ___ 447 To William Kennedy, January 28, 1842, requesting him to inform the British Government of the reasons for the delay of the Texas Gov- ernment to ratify the treaty on "Slave Trade"----·----- 450 To Jacob Snively, January 28, authorizing him to begin forthwith to sign the President's name to Exchequer Bills__________ 451 To the Texas Senate, January 29, 1842, submitting nominations for approval ··········--·----····-·-·---------··-···-···--- ____ 452 To the Texas Senate, January 31, 1842, vetoing a joint resolution to pass a vote of thanks to Captain John G. Tod, late commander of the Naval Station at Galveston.·--·-·---·-···-·-···--·-·--··-·---- 453 To the House of Representatives, January 31, 1842, vetoing a bill "to amend and repeal a portion of an act granting land to emigrants, approved January 4, 1842, and to extend a further donation of land to emigrants and citizens, and for other purposes"····---·-···-·--·- 466 To the Texas Senate, January 31, 1842, vetoing a Senate bill "authoriz- ing and requiring the Secretary of War and Navy to issue certifi- cates of bounty land to the officers, seamen, and marines of the Navy ·-····-····-·········-····-···-····-·········-····-·············-····-····-- ·-···-···-···· •167

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