PAGE To the Acting Secretary of Treasury, January 5, 1842, authorizing him to pay out of the Treasury at 6 to one, such claims as should be paid ---------·------- ___ ···-··----422 To Anson Jones, January 5, 1842, notifying him of his appointment as a commissioner to negotiate a loan of one Million Dollars.................. 42~ To the House of Representatives, January 6, 1842, submitting an im- portant communication, and stating that he is convinced that the law for frontier protection has faiied--··-·--·---···-··-·-····- - 423 To the House of Representatives, January 7, 1842, explaining the delay in submitting the correspondence between A. C. Hinton and the head of the Naval Burea-----··--·--·-·--·········-····--··-··- 423 To the House of Representatives, January 8, 1842, transmitting a report from the Treasury Department, exhibiting a list of defaulters to the government -----------·--····-····-·-·-···- 424 To the Texas Senate, January 10, 1842, submitting the nomination of David Ross as Captain of Ordnance, for approvaL.·--········-·-·-·-··- 425 To the House of Representatives, January 11, 1842, presenting a com- munication from the Department of State, enclosing a statement from the General Postoffice Bureau.·--·-- ···-··- ···-···-·-····-·-··--····- 425 To the House of Representatives, January 12, 1842, vetoing a bill for the relief of Thomas N. B. Greer and his company of Boggy and Trin- ity Rangers __________ ___ ·--·-··--425 To the House of Representatives, January 12, 1842, returning several bills without his signature______·---··-···--···-----·--··----·-···-- 427 To the Texas Senate, January 12, 1842, submitting the Treaty for the . Suppression of African Slave Trade·-----·-----·------·------ 428 To the House of Representatives, January 12, 1842, vetoing a bill au- thorizing the Land Office to issue patents·---------·------·-··-······ 428 To Charles Mason, Auditor, January 13, 1842, instructing him to audit the claims of six men who conveyed Indians before the Committee on Indian Affairs_··------------------·--·-----··--·-··-···- 429 To The Texas Senate, January 13, 1842, concerning accommodations for Government offices at Washington, Texas_________________.____ 430 To the Texas Senate, January 15, 1842, submitting a list of nominations for approval ·----- -··-·---·----·--·-- ···--·-- 430 Recommendation that March 2, be made a national Thanksgiving Day, January 17, 1842 --------·---·----------·-----··- 431 To the Texas Senate, January 18, 1842, asking to withdraw the nomina- tion of Ammon Underwood for Notary Public of Brazoria___._____ 432 To the Texas Congress, January 19, 1842, presenting the resignation of John M. Hansford as Judge of the Seventh Judicial District...·-··-- 432 To the House of Representatives, January 20, 1842, vetoing a bill re- quiring the auditor to audit claims therein named..-------·------- 433 To the House of Representatives, January 21, 1842, submitting a com- munication from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, concerning the payment of judgoo·-------····-····-···-····-·········-···-····----···-· 434 To the House of Representatives, January 21, 1842, submitting a state- ment from the Auditor relative to the correction of dangerous de- fects in the accounting and disbursing systems of the Government.. 437
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